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2600 Paths to HappinessRetrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Apr 1988Another old synth makes its comeback. This time it's Steve Howell's much-prized ARP 2600 with its graphic panel layout, modular construction and built-in amplification. |
Akai EWI & EVIReview | Music Technology, Sep 1987Wind ControllersUnveiled at NAMM and stars of the BMF, these two new instruments receive their exclusive preview in MT. Tim Goodyer takes a deep breath before taking a closer look. |
Akai EWI-2000 & EWV-2000Review | Music Technology, Apr 1988Electronic Wind InstrumentState-of-the-art wind synthesis. Man Jumping's Andy Blake gets his fingers around Akai's wind controller and voicing module and finds a happy marriage between expression and analogue synthesis. |
Alternative AnalogueRetrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Jun 1989Korg MS20This month's trip down memory lane takes us to Korg's MS20. Greg Truckell reacquaints himself with an analogue synth that may be better suited to use in 1989 than 1979. |
Bass - No BullRetrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, May 1991Moog Taurus PedalsUltimate bass? Legendary synth pioneers Moog once made the best bass synth on the planet: Paul Ward reassesses the power of Taurus in the light of '90s bass mania. |
Box Of TricksRetrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Dec 1988Oberheim SEMOberheim had expanders on their minds long before Xpanders. Steve Howell extols the virtues of yesterday's modular approach to synthesis. |
Come In No. 7Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Jul 1992In the days before Roland established their reputation for consistently delivering the goods, they turned out some weird and wonderful synths. Peter Forrest lifts the dust cover on the old SH7 monosynth. |
Crumar SpiritReview | One Two Testing, Dec 1983 |
Crumar SpiritReview | One Two Testing, Jan 1984 |
Jen SX1000 SynthetoneReview | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1982 |
Korg Mono/PolyReview | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1982 |
Korg MS10Review | One Two Testing, Dec 1983 |
Mono ManiaRetrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Oct 1990SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS PRO ONEThe most popular post-Minimoog monosynth is still the best alternative for everything from new age to northern techno. Greg Truckell reintroduces an old friend. |
MonologueRetrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Aug 1991Arp Pro Soloist, Korg Sigma & Roland SH2000In the early days of analogue synths, reconciling electronics and expression was hard work. Gordon Reid looks at the beginnings of pressure sensitivity. |
Moog RogueReview | One Two Testing, Dec 1983 |
Moog SourceReview | One Two Testing, Nov 1982Two oscillator 16 memory programmable mono with arpeggiator and sequencer |
Moog Source and Moog RogueReview | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1982 |
Multi TalentedRetrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Mar 1992Moog MultimoogIn trying to follow the immortal Minimoog, Moog produced a series of innovative mono synths. Peter Forrest & Tim Goodyer revive two of the best. |
One In A MillionReview | Electronic Soundmaker, Feb 1985Millioniser 2000The Millioniser 2000, a synth harmonica that may sound as odd as it looks. |
OSCar SynthesiserReview | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1983 |
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