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Fostex G24SReview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1991SSSH... From You Know WhoFollowing last month's review of the Tascam MSR24S, Dave Lockwood turns his attention to Fostex's new one-inch 24-track with Dolby S: The G24S. |
Tascam MSR24SReview | Sound On Sound, Feb 1991'S' AppealIs it the birth of a new standard? Dave Lockwood drools over Tascam's Dolby S-equipped one-inch 24-track. |
The Big OneReview | Sound On Sound, Jan 1990Tascam MSR24 24-track 1" Tape RecorderEver since the dark ages, prophets and soothsayers have been forecasting the Big One. Well here it is - Tascam's 24-track on one inch tape recorder. David Mellor investigates. |
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