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Ray Lema - World System

Interview | Music Technology, Aug 1989

It's the talk of Paris' hep musical set, Peter Gabriel set up a new record label for it and Ray Lema is one of its greatest exponents - Simon Trask discovers hitech ethnic music is about to make its mark on popular culture.

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

African Rhythms

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1985

Meanwhile, Tim Goodyer finds The Rhythmatist, alias Police drummer Stewart Copeland, resting in his home studio after an African jaunt from which a single, an album and a video have resulted. All three come under discussion.

The Lore of the Jungle

Interview | International Musician, Jun 1985

The Police skinsman explored darkest Africa recently and came back with samples, songs and stories galore. Adrian Deevoy takes the missionary position.



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