Home & Studio Recording - March 1985
Stereo reverb circuit, Boss sampling and more readers' problems. |
News of Yamaha's MT44D system amongst other products. |
Reader Peter Forrest relates his delightful tales of woe. |
Leading new wave synthesist Ian Boddy explains the way he uses 'track sheets' when undertaking a recording. |
Avoiding ProblemsThe last instalment in the current series wraps up with tips on avoiding problems and the use of Pressure Zone Microphones. |
Andre JacqueminAn interesting interview with Andre Jacquemin who just happens to be the man responsible for the recording of the Monty Python madness that's surfaced on film and vinyl over the last decade or so. |
Record PressingPart 3 completes our short series with a detailed look at record pressing, labels, sleeves and promotion. |
Following on from last month's glossary of terms, we begin our run through the complicated business that is recording, with a back-to-basics approach to setting record levels. |
Line LevelWhat is 'line level'? What significance do the numbers -10, 0, +4 and +8 have to recording? What does MOL refer to? Plug in to page 48 and find out. |
More of your own creations given the aural once-over. |
The fourth module for our 19" rack-mounting modular effects system. Full design and construction details supplied. |
Our regular update on what's available. |