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Home & Studio Recording - December 1985


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Denon DR-M33 Cassette Deck

Ben Duncan looks at this cassette recorder to see if it can cope with life in the studio.

8-track Without Tears

It's more than a Portastudio; 8-track reel-to-reel and mixing facilities all in one unit - the Tascam 388.

Making the Most of... Part 8

An Empty Wallet

Budget effects units for those of us with tight wallets.


The School of Audio Engineering

An inside look at one of the most popular recording courses both in this country and abroad.

Things That Go Boing In The Night

A reverb pedal for guitarists? Paul White discovers the truth about the Dod FX45.

David Mitcham

Producer & Composer | David Mitcham

Janet Angus talks to Dave about making the change between audio and video recording and the issues and problems involved.

A Sample of Eastern Ingenuity

Vesta Kozo DIG-420

Following their DIG-411 delay line: Vesta Kozo have now introduced this unit that is first and foremost a sampler and it can be used under keyboard control.

Repeat Performance

Possibly the cheapest rack mounting digital delay in the known universe. Paul White examines the DX99RM DDL from John Hornby Skewes.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Readers' Tapes
Music Review

Madrack D7

Multitapped Analogue Delay

More in the budget effects saga-an analogue delay line with a difference.

Producers' Corner

Mark Fishlock expounds.

The Rockfield Files

Rockfield has a long and colourful history stretching back to the era of hippies and free festivals. Paul White finds out what goes on there now.

A Nice Pair

...of Tannoy DTM-8 Monitors. Compact monitoring for the compact studio.

Patrick Moraz

Patrick Moraz

Having been involved with a bewildering number of projects in the past, Patrick Moraz and Graham Edge, keyboardist and drummer with The Moody Blues talk about their current work.

Analogue Equipment Design Part 1

for Rock 'n' Roll

Ben Duncan looks at the design philosophy behind a modern power amplifier. If you don't understand it just be seen reading it and it will improve your credibility.

On the Level

No project from Tanrak, this month as Paul Williams refuses to leave his R&D lab until next month. The charming and eloquent Dr Simon Bateson steps in to fill the breech with a level matcher that could save civilisation as we know it.

Home & Studio Recording - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.


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