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Recording Musician - August 1992


This article has no OCR bodytext.Crosstalk

We asked for your letters and you've done us proud - check out fellow musicians' questions and comments in Crosstalk.

This article has no OCR bodytext.News & Products

More news on upcoming products and events.

Midiman Fineline Rack Mixer

Derek Johnson finds this 24-input mic/line mixer is a useful addition to any studio setup.

Head To Head

Fostex R8 & Tascam TSR8 Recorders

Paul White checks out Tascam's TSR8 and Fostex's R8 open reel, 8-track machines side by side.

Different Strokes

An Audience With Aziz

Leading session guitarist Aziz talks to John Harris about playing, recording, and hi-tech guitar processors.

Tape Recorders

Paul White explains the basic principles of tape recorders to help you make better recordings.

Instant Hip Part 2

Key Ingredients For A Happening Dance Track

An insight into the sounds and structures that make up a successful dance record, by Edgar G. Roover.

Parallel Lines

Ensoniq DP/4 Effects Processor

Four into one will go, as Derek Johnson discovers when working with Ensoniq's new four-channel parallel effects processor.

Dolby S Explained

Dave Lockwood explains how Dolby S noise reduction increases the potential of analogue tape recorders.

Pet Sounds

3G Mynah Mixing Console

Mike Simmons tries out this cost-effective live sound console and finds it also has home studio applications.

Silent Partner

Tascam 238S 8-Track

Dave Lockwood checks out the first ever Dolby S cassette multitracker in this exclusive review.

Three of a Kind

AKG, Beyer, Sennheiser Back-Electret Microphones

Three top name, back-electret mics that turn in a professional performance at a semi-pro price, rounded up by Paul White.

Classic Nouveau

LA Audio Classic Compressor

Paul White assesses LA's new compressor, which uses modern technology to emulate the sound of tube models.

Illusions of Space

The Man Behind The Lexicon Sound | David Griesinger

David Griesinger pioneered the research behind the Lexicon digital reverb sound. He discusses his ideas with Paul White.

Direct-To-Stereo Recording

Sound Workshop

Paul White shows how you can explore classic mic techniques using basic equipment.

Dawn Chorus

Dawn Patrol Studio Monitors

Paul White tests an unusual pair of studio monitors from a new British manufacturer.

Mixer Minimalism

A little lateral thinking from Paul White reveals new and better ways of getting signals to and from tape.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Win Your Dream Studio

Part two of our simple, three-part competition in which you could win a complete studio package worth over £7,500.

Music In Our Schools

Educating Teachers

Chris Gander, a teacher and a home recording enthusiast, examines the way technology is influencing music education.


Electric Guitar Bow

Production Lines - Sadia

Guest producer Sadia joins the ongoing 'digital vs analogue' debate.

Recording Musician - SOS Publications Ltd.
The contents of this magazine are re-published here with the kind permission of SOS Publications Ltd.


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