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Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music - March 1985

On Tape

This article has no OCR bodytext.Leadlines

News, views, chart.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Track Attack
Music Review

Electronic album overview featuring Laurie Anderson and the Dune soundtrack from Toto.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Byte Back

Letters to the ES&CM editorial team.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Wind Up
Music Review

A monthly review of readers' demos, with a selection featured on the tape.

The Expander

Mark Jenkins' system

Frank Talking

We meet the trio of men behind the Frank Chickens.

Editions For You

Record label spotlight on the innovatory people who bring you Brian Eno and numerous others.

The Innovator

Roland JX8P

Roland's JX8P poly has a number of innovatory features and sounds great. Too good to be true?

Pick Up A Penguin

Simon Jeffes, leader of the Penguin Cafe Orchestra, loves acoustic why are we talking to him? Because we think he's got some pretty sound theories...

The Odd Couple

Gary Numan, Bill Sharpe

The meeting of two diverse talents and minds; Gary Numan and Bill Sharpe of Shakatak. We discover what they've been getting up to and where it will lead.

The French Connection

Jean Michel Jarre explains his current views on music, synthesisers and synthesis in an in-depth interview.

Oh My Darling 49

Will there be a rush to purchase Siel's new CMK 49 computer gizmo? We pass judgement.


A preview of a new electronic drum kit that's designed to hit the competition where it hurts.

The Original Syn


The updated Synclavier with new software. We take it for a test run.

The Hungarian Revolution

Muzik Processor

The Muzix 81 Processor is likely to change your mind about the potential of micro's sound sampling abilities. We preview this product from a Hungarian company who intend to breach the walls of the UK music industry.

Two For the 7

DX Programming

Two patches, piano and acoustic guitar, for Yamaha's DX7 synth. 'The best ever', claims our modest programmer.

Wearing Down The Beat

We talk to synth punk band Attrition. Will they wear you down?

All Things Being Equal


Equalisation in the studio is a major aspect of most recording work. We take you through the basics and give a guide to some of the better buys.

MSX & Music

MSX micros are already establishing a foothold in the UK market. We give you the info to harness their sound chips and create music with MSX.

Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music - Cover Publications Ltd, Northern & Shell Ltd.


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