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Home & Studio Recording - April 1985


This article has no OCR bodytext.Feedback

Syncing 4-tracks, setting up a studio and more readers' problems in print.

What's New

A rundown of the new products shown at the recent Frankfurt Music Fair.

C-ducing Cymbals

Electronic drum kits give superb sound separation for the studio engineer - but he still has to mike up the cymbals. We investigate a novel application for the C-ducer contact strip microphone, which helps alleviate this problem.

Revox A77

The Old Workhorse

We take a close look at this studio stalwart in all its various forms and point out what to look for when buying one second hand.

A Powerful Combination?

Yamaha MT44D Recording System

Cutec DE2310

Twin Function Equaliser

This article has no OCR bodytext.TDK Jingle Writing Competition

All you have to do is compose a 60 second radio jingle for TDK tapes and you could hear your masterpiece broadcast on radio, become the proud owner of a complete Yamaha MT44 Home Studio System worth £1000(!) or some Shure PE microphones and loads of TDK cassettes! Full details on entry form on pages 32/33.

Using Microphones

Which Microphone?

Which Microphone? We take eight mics from Shure's successful PE Series and subject them to some rigorous practical tests - with surprising results.

Richard Hewson - Man of Mystery

Richard Hewson

This man, responsible for the string arrangements on numerous albums by Supertramp, Cliff Richard and Diana Ross, also happens to be the creative genius behind disco/funk hit makers, the RAH Band. His latest album 'Mystery' released this month, was successfully recorded in his home studio using an ACES 24-track system and we went along to see how he achieved it.

Return To Zero Part 3

Noise Reduction Systems

An explanation of the most common noise reduction systems in audio use, including Dolby A, B, C, and dbx.

Multi-Delay Project Part 5

A six tap, stereo analogue delay constitutes this month's self-construct module for our 19" rack-mounting effects system.

BBC - Careers In Sound

What goes on behind the hallowed portals of Bush House and the BBC's radio training department? Read this and find out...

This article has no OCR bodytext.Readers' Tapes
Music Review

Even more space means we can relieve some of the backlog of tapes yet to be reviewed, if you're still awaiting the HSR once-over, maybe your tape is amongst this month's batch?

Interfacing The Line Part 2

The importance of impedance matching at line levels is widely misunderstood. This article attempts to clarify the situation.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Equipment Guide

A selective listing of what's available for the home recordist.

Home & Studio Recording - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.


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