Music Technology - May 1988
A staff vacancy and a competition winner are only two items on another packed agenda for the music press' answer to Hill Street Blues. Sign in and check out the action. |
The latest instalment of the latest news on matters musical and hi-tech. This month there's a proliferation of instructional courses. What had you got planned for the summer months? |
You have the questions, we have the answers. Put your technical queries to MT's resident experts each month in Interface... |
...or air your views on any matter relating to music, technology or the music industry itself in MT's monthly Communique forum. |
MIDI SynchroniserAs tape synchronisation becomes an indispensable part of modern music making, the demand for cost-effective sync boxes grows... Simon Trask discovers that it takes more than Tipp-Ex on the tape to throw the MTS30 off the track. |
Owning an Akai S700 sampler could be as far away as answering a few simple questions on the uses of samples in popular music. Test your knowledge and your luck in MT's latest competition. |
As you've probably already got your sampler playing drums, horns and strings, getting it to sing to you may sound deceptively easy. Tom McLaughlin explains there may be more to sampling the human voice than you'd heard. |
Digital Drum MachineCompetition is fierce in the budget drum machine arena. Nicholas Rowland takes a look at the British answer to the Japanese and American machines that have been in the limelight recently. |
For the DX7IIGrey Matter Response's E! expansion for the DX7 virtually gave it the power of the DX7II; E! for the DX7II represents another quantum leap in DX capability. Chris Many checks it out. |
Software for the IBM PCTurning his back on the Atari ST, Ian Waugh boots up a comprehensive sequencing package for the IBM PC (and compatibles). If you thought the Atari ST and Macintosh had it all their own way, read again. |
Musical trends come and go but the hi-nrg beat goes on and on... David Bradwell talks to the hi-nrg production team who've released more records in the last 12 months than Stock, Aitken and Waterman. |
Sample Editing SoftwareA sample editing package to beat all sample editing packages? Robert Rich test-drives a universal editor that may be the answer to many a sampling studio's prayers. |
MIDI ProcessorThis American MIDI processor is possibly the most sophisticated processor currently on the market. Matt Isaacson tries out its bewildering array of facilities. |
Software for the Atari STBudget software that sets out to prove that budget doesn't necessarily mean limited. Simon Trask puts the MIDI Recording Studio through its paces with his eye on the "features for ackers" gauge. |
Cult reggae band or Top Of The Pops heroes? Nick Rowland talks to the men who've spent 14 years together and brought MIDI to reggae, and reggae to the pop charts. |
In the final part of a look into the world of additive synthesis, Chris Meyer explains the different approaches to additive synthesis adopted by various manufacturers and which synths have employed them. |
From his Vox Continental days with Elvis Costello, to a regular spot on Jonathan Ross' The Last Resort, and now on to film scores, Steve Nieve has retained an objective approach to technology. |
PA Decoder's D50 ROM cartridge joins a selection of readers' own sounds in this month's Patchwork. If you're short of a sound, or simply short of inspiration, read on. |
Wishing you could do more than one thing at a time may be as close as you'll ever get to doing it, but your computer is another story altogether. Harvey P Newquist III explains multitasking and some of its uses. |
Digital Wave Filtering SamplerYamaha's first sampler has been a long time a-coming. Chris Meyer puts it to the test to discover if the big "Y" have learned from other manufacturers' mistakes. |
From Weather Report drummer to hi-tech enthusiast and Mac fanatic. Bob O'Donnell talks to a drummer who's discovered technology and used his rhythmic knowledge to get the best from his programming. |
for Roland Jupiter 8 & Juno 6/60Hands up once-proud owners of a Jupiter 8 or Juno 6/60 who've left their pride and joy to collect dust while they've concentrated on MIDI gear. Tony Wride finds out MIDI can be yours courtesy of Groove Electronics. |