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Sound Engineer

Jump to year: 1984 | 1985

June 1984 (Scan Complete)

Vol. 1,1

This issue has been scanned to our library.

Donated & scanned by: Mike Gorman

July 1984 (Scan Complete)

Vol. 1,2

This issue has been scanned to our library.

Donated & scanned by: Mike Gorman

August/September 1984 (Scan Complete)

Vol. 1,3

This issue has been scanned to our library.

Donated & scanned by: Mike Gorman

October 1984 (Scan Complete)

Vol. 1,4

This issue has been scanned to our library.

Donated & scanned by: Mike Gorman

November 1984 (Not Owned)

We do not have this issue.

If you own this issue, please scan, lend or donate it to us to help complete the archive.

December 1984 (Scan Complete)

This issue has been scanned to our library.

Donated & scanned by: Mike Gorman

Jump to year: 1984 | 1985

January 1985 (Not Owned)

We do not have this issue.

If you own this issue, please scan, lend or donate it to us to help complete the archive.

February 1985 (Not Owned)

We do not have this issue.

If you own this issue, please scan, lend or donate it to us to help complete the archive.

March 1985 (Not Owned)

We do not have this issue.

If you own this issue, please scan, lend or donate it to us to help complete the archive.

April 1985 (Not Owned)

We do not have this issue.

If you own this issue, please scan, lend or donate it to us to help complete the archive.

May 1985 (Not Owned)

We do not have this issue.

If you own this issue, please scan, lend or donate it to us to help complete the archive.

June 1985 (Not Owned)

We do not have this issue.

If you own this issue, please scan, lend or donate it to us to help complete the archive.

Sound Engineer - Folly Publications


Magazine Info

About Sound Engineer

Sound Engineer was a sister magazine to Music UK, from the same publisher, aimed at the professional/studio market.

While Music UK was aimed at bands and musicians, Sound Engineer was circulated to recording studios and other professional audio places for free, as well as available via subscription. When the publication (and the publisher) folded, it was reborn as Sound Engineer & Producer under a new publisher with some of the same staff.


Sound Engineer & Producer


Ray Carter, Simon Croft,
Joe Hosken


Folly Publications


12 (1984 - 1985) (tbc)s

First issue:

Jun 1984

Last issue:

Jun 1985 (tbc)


Folly Publications

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Funds donated this month: £14.00

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