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Sound On Sound - April 1989

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Two more thrill-packed pages of news, views, and juicy hot gossip

Shape of Things to Come

New products from the world of recording and synthesis are unveiled in glorious colour

The Magic Of Enigma Studios

Mike Collins investigates the magic behind Enigma Studios, a MIDI-based recording facility in London's East End.

Postcard from Keele
Show Report

Martin Russ attends the Second International Computer Music Weekend Conference held at Keele University, 28-29th January 1989.

New Electronic & Instrumental Music In The Late 1980s

An overview

Mark Prendergast presents a general overview of record labels, artists, and recordings that make up the exciting area of new electronic and experimental music in the late 1980s.

Yamaha RX8 Drum Machine

For over a year now Alesis have had the 'budget' 16-bit drum machine market all to themselves, but the release of the Yamaha RX8 provides musicians with an alternative. Besides 16-bit sound quality, Yamaha's new machine boasts a broad range of 43 sounds, flexible MIDI control, RAM card storage, and more. Paul Ireson checks it out.

Elka CR99 MIDI Disk Recorder

Paul Ireson takes a look at a new kind of direct-to-disk recorder, which stores MIDI rather than audio data. Could it be the ideal live sequencer, he wonders?

How It Works - Hard Disk Recorders Part 12

An Alternative To Tape

From the analogue to the digital era, magnetic tape has been the prime production medium for recorded music for several decades. David Mellor examines new developments in recording and speculates where they might lead.

Mister MIDI

Howard Jones

Howard Jones was the first keyboard player to successfully exploit the new technology to the full by regularly performing solo concerts with nothing but MIDI instruments as his backing band. In this rare interview, Brian Jacobs talks to Howard about his music, recording, his decision to produce most of his new album himself, and his growing admiration for an instrument he once said he would never use.

Finale Part 2

The Best Music Program Ever?

Part 2: Kendall Wrightson continues his pilgrimage through Finale, Coda Software's music transcription program for Apple Macintoshes (and soon PC compatibles), lingering at the Playback, Hyperscribe and Transcription tools.

Digitech DSP 128 Plus

Multi-Simultaneous Effects Processor

Hot on the heels of the Multiverb and Quadraverb comes Digitech's contender for the title of best 'four effects at once' signal processor. Paul Ireson checks out the form.

New Order - Technique

New Order

Mark Prendergast takes a look behind the scenes at the recording of New Order's fifth LP, 'Technique'.

How to Set up a Home Studio Part 5

Wiring A Patchbay

Part 5: Patchbay wiring. David Mellor proposes a more practical wiring system for your studio.

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About System Exclusive Part 1

(But Were Too Afraid To Ask!)

Martin Russ kicks off our new series by recapping on some MIDI basics before starting to demystify the secrets of MIDI's System Exclusive commands.

Action Replay

Akai S1000PB 16bit Stereo Sample Player with SWM and Workstation Disks

Do you find the idea of sampling your own sounds unappealing? Why not settle for a high quality replay-only sampler like the Akai S1000PB and spend the money you save on more library disks? Paul Ireson checks out the machine and Akai's newly launched set of Workstation and SWM disks.

Software Support

Hints, Tips & News From The World Of Music Software

More hints, tips and update news from the world of music software.

The Music Network

SOS Online

Paul Gilby reports on SOS on-line activities on Europe's new electronic communications system.

Sounding Off

Is MIDI Finally Out Of The Closet?

Freelance programmer, musician, and SOS author Mike Collins wonders whether MIDI has gained genuine acceptance in pro studio circles or not.

Sound On Sound - SOS Publications Ltd.
The contents of this magazine are re-published here with the kind permission of SOS Publications Ltd.


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