
What data we collect and how we use it

Basically - there is nothing to worry about! We track basic website usage data (visits, page views, bandwidth usage and so on) in the logs so we can get a feel for how the site is performing - basically all web sites do this.

We also run Google Analytics which is another way of providing stats, and again, these are anonymous and any opting in of sharing Analytics with other Google services is turned off.

At this time, we don't have any facility for users to create accounts, tag articles and favourites, leave comments or otherwise store personal data. This may change if it makes sense to implement these kinds of features to provide a better service.

The only exception is where people want to contribute content to us, in which case we save what the user enters into the contribute form - eg your name and email address, so we can contact you, and optionally display a note on the site of who contributed a particular issue (to say thanks!).

We don't market, spam or otherwise contact people who have contacted us, or use those contact details for any other purpose, nor disclose or sell that data on.

There are no plans to restrict access, place content behind mandatory account creation or a paywall - the content is provided for archival and reference purposes for all.

We may feature advertising and/or sponsorships at some point in the future, to help with site running costs, where it makes sense and doesn't become intrusive.


We store a few of cookies on your machine, to provide features that improve your experience of the site. Google Analytics uses cookies to help provide more accurate site stats.

mu:zines creates one cookie, called "muzines" on insecure HTTP connections, or "muzines_sec" on secure HTTPS connections, which stores a few user preferences:

  • One value that stores whether you prefer the page scans display open or closed. It is updated whenever you open or close the page scan "drawer".
    - muzines[pagescans]

  • One value that stores whether you prefer the article descriptions shown or hidden. It is updated whenever you toggle the descriptions link on the issue contents page.
    - muzines[pagedescriptions]

  • One value that stores how you prefer the article content listing to be sorted. It is updated whenever you change the sort order on the issue contents page.
    - muzines[pageorder]

  • One value that stores how you prefer the magazine listing to be sorted. It is updated whenever you change the sort order flipmenu on the Magazines page.
    - muzines[magsort]

  • One value that stores a dark mode display style preference.
    - muzines[theme]

  • Google Analytics also uses a few cookies to help report on site stats/visits.

  • If you have voted in a poll, a cookie will be used to record this.


What data we know or store about you.

(TL;DR - basically nothing. Not that we don't care, we just don't think it's any of our business...)

Follow mu:zines on Twitter: @mu_zines
for updates and other bits and pieces


Help Support The Things You Love

mu:zines is the result of thousands of hours of effort, and will require many thousands more going forward to reach our goals of getting all this content online.

If you value this resource, you can support this project - it really helps!

Donations for February 2025
Issues donated this month: 13

New issues that have been donated or scanned for us this month.

Funds donated this month: £14.00

All donations and support are gratefully appreciated - thank you.

Magazines Needed - Can You Help?

Do you have any of these magazine issues?

> See all issues we need

If so, and you can donate, lend or scan them to help complete our archive, please get in touch via the Contribute page - thanks!


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