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Search results

Roland S220 Sampler

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1987

The latest addition to the company's family of 12-bit samplers offers many of the features of their top-of-the-line S50 in a less expensive, rack-mount format. Aaron Hallas reports.

Hybrid Arts EZ-Score Plus

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1988
Software for the Atari ST

The first of a series of scoring programs for the Atari ST. Aaron Hollas checks out its extensive editing facilities and its compatibility with the company's sequencing programs.

Yamaha G10

Review | Music Technology, Dec 1988

The quest to build the ideal MIDI guitar controller continues with Yamaha's eagerly-awaited G10. Aaron Hallas makes the pick-up.

Roland GR50

Review | Music Technology, Aug 1989
Guitar Synthesiser

Roland's latest guitar synthesiser is quickly earning a reputation as the most playable guitar synth yet built. Aaron Hallas turns from widdly-widdly merchant to MlDdly-widdly merchant.

Cause An Effect

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Music Technology, May 1991

Effects processing is now an integral part of a recording studio - large or small. Aaron Hallas goes back to basics in this introduction to sound treatment.



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