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Results: 1 - 25 of 74 displayed.
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ZildjianFeature | Topic: Design, Development & Manufacture | International Musician & Recording World, Sep 1975Bob Henrit tours the Zildjian factory, looking at success cymbals |
Pearl 'Rock Kit'Review | International Musician & Recording World, Sep 1975DrumCheckArgent's Bob Henrit takes a Pearl kit apart |
Bob Henrit at AMIIShow Report | International Musician & Recording World, Oct 1975Argent's Ace has a look at this year's drumming hardware. |
Ludwig Rainbow VistaliteReview | International Musician & Recording World, Nov 1975DrumCheckBob Henrit reviews the new Ludwig acrylics. |
Arbiter Auto-TuneReview | International Musician & Recording World, Dec 1975DrumCheckBob Henrit of Argent has a go on the new Arbiter Auto-Tune kit. |
Assorted PaistesReview | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1985CymbalcheckBob Henrit tackles all manner of Rudes, Rides and Coloureds |
Roland TR-707Review | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1985RhythmcheckWhere the 110 meets the 909. Bob Henrit investigates |
Pearl GLX-22D50Review | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1985Drumcheck"With this new Pearl," claims Bob Henrit," the word could be your oyster." |
K Zildjian CymbalsReview | International Musician & Recording World, Feb 1985CymbalcheckCostly but tasteful |
Seabro Gig MachineReview | International Musician & Recording World, Feb 1985DrumcheckLooks like a heap of Teflon saucepans, sounds like a million dollars |
UP-5 and K2XReview | International Musician & Recording World, Mar 1985DrumcheckBob Henrit takes a look at two alternative brains for UP users |
Pearl Export EX22 D 50Review | International Musician & Recording World, Mar 1985DrumcheckBob Henrit draws a line between the Maxwin and the Professional and finds a good-looking, clean-sounding kit |
Premier Dual-Lock StandsReview | International Musician & Recording World, Apr 1985AccessorycheckPremier make their stand. Bob Henrit pens his review |
Premier APK 5809Review | International Musician & Recording World, Apr 1985DrumcheckAn elongated addition to the Royale range at a reasonable price. Bob Henrit puts it through its paces |
Linn 9000Review | International Musician & Recording World, Apr 1985RhythmcheckLinn take a massive leap into the future and come up with the ultimate drum machine. Bob Henrit is astounded |
Pearl DRX-1 Electronic KitReview | International Musician & Recording World, May 1985DrumcheckPearl make their first foray into electronic percussion. Bob Henrit was there |
Hayman Showman HS5Review | International Musician & Recording World, May 1985DrumcheckHayman are back. Bob Henrit is a happy man |
Sonorlite Five Piece KitReview | International Musician & Recording World, Jun 1985DrumcheckBob Henrit gets a bang out of Sonar's lightweight lovely |
Sycologic PSPReview | International Musician & Recording World, Jul 1985AccessorycheckBob Henrit grapples with the new Percussion Signal Processor |
Simmons SDS9Review | International Musician & Recording World, Jul 1985DrumcheckCould this be the ultimate electronic kit? Bob Henrit thinks so |
Cactus Electronic Five Drum KitReview | International Musician & Recording World, Jul 1985DrumcheckNew sounds, new style, new solid set-up |
Sabian B20 RangeReview | International Musician & Recording World, Aug 1985CymbalcheckSmooth and affordable says Bob Henrit |
Sequential Circuits TomReview | International Musician & Recording World, Aug 1985DrumcheckAn abundance of features and digital sounds. Bob Henrit gets down to some serious TOMfoolery |
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