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Search results

Understanding the DX7 - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1984

DX7-owner Jason Chapman and the first of a new series on how to find your way round these revolutionary Yamaha synthesisers. Part 2 next month.

Understanding the DX7 - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1984

The second part of Jay Chapman's guided tour through the Yamaha DX labyrinth, with an in-depth analysis of one of the factory-programmed voices.

Understanding the DX7 - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1984

Part three, and a second took at a Yamaha factory preset. Jay Chapman takes you through it step by step.

BeeBMIDI - Part 1

Group: MIDI Supplement - Part Two

Feature Series | Topic: Computing, Electronics / Build | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1984

Designer Jay Chapman describes the construction of E&MM's own MIDI interface for the BBC Model B home computer. There's also a test program to check your interface is working as it should do.

Understanding the DX7 - Part 4

Feature Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1984

The fourth part of Jay Chapman's guide to Yamaha FM. This month, he broaches the delicate subject of programming sounds from scratch.

BeeBMIDI - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Computing, Electronics / Build, MIDI | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1984

The second part of our constructional article on building a MIDI interface for the BBC Model B home computer. There's a complete parts list and some more software to get your board up and running once you've built it.

BeeBMIDI - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: Computing | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1984

Software listings that enable owners of our BBC Micro MIDI interface board to view the internal workings of the Yamaha DX7 on screen, with a cassette available from E&MM for the finger-sore.

Understanding the DX7 - Part 5

Feature Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1984

Jay Chapman continues his search through the workings of Yamaha FM synthesis. This month, how to modify DX factory preset sounds.

Understanding the DX7 - Part 6

Feature Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1984

Our guide to Yamaha FM synthesis continues: this month, Jay Chapman looks at the delights of sub-algorithms.

Understanding the DX7 - Part 7

Feature Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1984

The end of our quest to make Yamaha's revolutionary DX synths easier to comprehend and program. Jay Chapman performs the closing ceremony.

Hotlicks Tapes

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1984
Instruction Tapes for Piano and Synthesiser

Are instruction tapes an expensive gimmick or a vital aid to achieving a better playing technique? Jay Chapman has been giving them a listen and reports his findings.

BeeBMIDI - Part 4

Group: Computer Musician

Feature Series | Topic: Computing, Electronics / Build | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1984

Building E&MM's MIDI interface for the Beeb? Jay Chapman's got some further information you should know.

BeeBMIDI - Part 5

Group: Computer Musician

Feature Series | Topic: Computing | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1984

Jay Chapman's crusade to get E&MM readers writing their own BBC software continues, with a look at how interrupt-handling works out in practice.

The Music System

Group: Computer Musician

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1984
Software Surplus

BeeBMIDI - Part 6

Group: Computer Musician

Feature Series | Topic: Computing, MIDI | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1985

Jay Chapman and a Juno 106 voice dump program for use with E&MM's own MIDI interface unit for the BBC Micro. It can be adapted to suit other synth and computer combinations, too.

BeeBMIDI - Part 7

Group: Computer Musician

Feature Series | Topic: Computing, MIDI, Synthesis & Sound Design | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1985

Software writer Jay Chapman introduces us to DX7ED, a patch editing program for Yamaha's FM poly, the BBC B, and E&MM's own BeeBMIDI interface.

Sight Reading

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1985
Yamaha DX7 Digital Synthesizer

E&MM's resident FM expert, Jay Chapman, takes a critical flick through the pages of a new book intended to ease the programming on Yamaha's DX7 poly.

BeeBMIDI - Part 8

Group: Computer Musician

Feature Series | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1985

Jay Chapman goes through the rest of the functions our own DX editing program, DX7ED, is capable of executing.

The Art of Going Soft - Part 1

Group: Computer Musician

Feature Series | Topic: Computing | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1985

The start of a new series designed to guide musicians through the intricacies of computer programming. Jay Chapman takes the first steps.

The Art of Going Soft - Part 2

Group: Computer Musician

Feature Series | Topic: Computing | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1985

Jay Chapman takes a bold step for novice programmers, as he presents a Pascal program that converts musical note values into a language computers can understand. Don't worry if it leaves you standing.

BeeBMIDI Monitor - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Computing, MIDI | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1985

E&MM's latest piece of MIDI software is a program that intercepts MIDI communication between instruments and displays it on a computer monitor for all to see. Introduction by Jay Chapman.

BeeBMIDI Monitor - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Computing, MIDI | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1985

The second, and final part of Jay Chapman's Monitor program for E&MM's own BBC-MIDI interface. This month's instalment gives the program listing and explains how it was written.


Review | Sound On Sound, Nov 1985
A Soft Touch

Jay Chapman discovers why this 16 track MIDI sequencer package for the BBC B micro, described as the musical equivalent of the humble word processor, is receiving so much acclaim from studio users.

Talking MIDI - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: MIDI | Sound On Sound, Dec 1985

Jay Chapman sets the scene for a regular series written to help you better understand the practicalities of life with the Musical Instrument Digital Interface.

Talking MIDI - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: MIDI | Sound On Sound, Jan 1986

Who says you can't use those hi-fi DIN cables to connect all your MIDI gear together? This month, Jay Chapman takes a logical look at the hardware side of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface.



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