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Wind of ChangeFeature | Topic: Design, Development & Manufacture | Sound International, May 1979Lyricon-blowing John Walters, of Landscape fame if not fortune (yet), undertakes the western world's most comprehensive guide to the history, construction and playing of the Lyricon wind synthesiser. |
Doing That Digital ThingFeature | Topic: Digital Audio, Recording, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Making Music, Sep 1986Producer John Walters discusses how those noughts and ones will affect us musiciany beings. |
But What Does A Producer Do Exactly?Feature | Making Music, Dec 1986Very fair question. A few of the many answers are printed in clear type on page 18. Get down. |
But What Does A Producer Do Exactly...???Feature | Topic: Music Business, Recording | Making Music, Jan 1987Second part in our 'what do they do?' series. This month, what you do with the job. |
Brass And BreckerInterview | Making Music, Sep 1987 |
The Search For ExpressionFeature | Topic: Design, Development & Manufacture | Sound On Sound, Sep 1987A History of Wind SynthesizersCould the wind of change be upon us? MIDI has already given guitarists and drummers the means to control electronic sounds, and the launch of the Akai and Yamaha wind controllers now allows woodwind and brass players to join in. John L. Walters takes a general look at the historical development of wind synthesizers, and the Akai and Yamaha products in particular. |
Yamaha WX7 / Akai EWIGroup: News and ReviewsWind SynthesisersAKAI EWI and YAMAHA WX7 wind synths compared. John L. Walters blows down both of the new MIDI controllers. |
Wind SynthesizersReview | Sound On Sound, Dec 1987Having explored the history and development of wind synthesizers in our September issue, record producer and wind player extraordinaire John L. Walters compares and contrasts the Akai EWI and Yamaha WX7. Are they the instruments that wind players have been longing for? Find out inside. |
Synclavier On The StageInterview | Music Technology, Nov 1988A British playwright looks into the future and sees a composer locked away from the world with a machine that makes music for him. John Walters talks scripts and Synclaviers. |
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