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Results: 1 - 25 of 34 displayed.
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The Rhythm SectionInterview | Sound International, May 1978Charlie Tumahai & Simon FoxBe Bop Deluxe's drummer and bassist under the magnifying glass. |
The Rhythm SectionInterview | Sound International, Jun 1978No doubting the Thomases from Elvis Costello and the Attractions. |
UKInterview | Sound International, Jul 1978The Rhythm SectionHarmony in the UK - John Wetton and Bill Bruford still rhythmic after all these years. |
LandscapeGroup: Alternatives to 'Product'The Rhythm SectionLandscape's bassist and drummer recount their reasons for choosing to form their own label to Ralph Denyer. |
The Rhythm SectionInterview | Sound International, Sep 1978Bowie's Dennis Davis and George MurrayDennis Davis and George Murray chat to Ralph Denyer on their rhythmic station in the Bowie band. |
Godley & CremeInterview | Sound International, Oct 1978Ralph Denyer gets gizmological with Kevin 'n' LInitially, the consequences of RD's actions could be Kevin or L — there'LL be L to K. (2 down). |
Nemo Studio - Part 1Interview Series | Topic: Recording Studios | Sound International, Dec 1978This one would have been called Vangelis Odyssey Papathanassiou and Keith Spencer-Allen talk to Ralph Antidisestablishmentarianism Denyer, but there wasn't room. |
Nemo Studio - Part 2Interview Series | Topic: Recording Studios | Sound International, Jan 1979Mr Papathanassiou leaps off the cover and speeds headlong to page 23. Pausing merely for an intake of breath he settles in his fave armchair and reads, 'Vangelis has superb keyboard technique...' And smiles. |
Al DiMeolaInterview | Sound International, Feb 1979talks to Ralph DenyerWell... what can you say? You know how good he is and what a writer our Ralph D is. But don't let's give the game away: read on! |
NewsNews | Sound International, Feb 1979 |
Landscaped CrusadersGroup: Sound Reports & Views |
Strawberry Cutting RoomFeature | Topic: Mastering, Recording Studios, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound International, Mar 1979Nobody ever seems to think much about the art of disc-cutting: yet in reality the cutting-room is the final link in the chain that can really make or break your recording quality-wise. Ralph Denyer, therefore, takes some time out to talk to Strawberry's top cutting engineers, in an effort to demystify this vital area. |
The Rhythm SectionInterview | Sound International, Mar 1979Sly Dunbar & Robbie ShakespeareFilling in the musical background, Ralph Denyer talks to Peter Tosh's back line, Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare. |
2000 Mots - Part 1Interview Series | Sound International, Apr 1979Frank Zappa is never short of a word or a thousand. In this case, there were so many, we had to make it a two-parter. In this first, Ralph Denyer finds out why Frank doesn't hate people (quite) and why London's one of the worst places on earth. |
Just A Second Part From FZ - Part 2Interview Series | Sound International, May 1979The continuing story of Francis Vincent Zappa who, out on the road with a rock band for the first time in weeks, relates to one Ralph Denyer just how musicians get their action. |
Studio Staff revealFeature | Topic: Recording Studios | Sound International, Jun 1979Facts on the RakDenyer gets the Rak job at last, figuring that Mickie Most really ought to know something about putting a studio together. Seems he does. |
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