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Results: 1 - 6 of 6 displayed.
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Casio PG380Review | Sound On Sound, Aug 1988MIDI Guitar ControllerCasio's first truly professional MIDI guitar boasts an onboard synthesizer and claims to have the fastest pitch tracking of any MIDI guitar. Rowland Jones bought one to find out! |
Yamaha QX3Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1988Digital Sequence RecorderIn a world dominated by software sequencers, Rowland Jones finds he still has a soft spot for Yamaha's hardware variety. |
Sounding OffOpinion | Sound On Sound, Mar 1989Technolust!Rowland Jones mounts the soapbox this month to sound off about 'technolust'! |
Sounding OffOpinion | Sound On Sound, Mar 1990Transparent Technology and the ComposicianTransparent technology and the Composician: SOS reader Rowland Jones gets his chance to sound off. |
Sounding OffOpinion | Sound On Sound, Aug 1991Beating The BlockRowland Jones on how to beat writer's block when composing. |
Digitech VHM5Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1991Intelligent HarmoniserWith four independent harmonies and its 'intelligent harmonising', Digitech's VHM5 pitch shifter promises much. Rowland Jones puts it to the test. |
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