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Alesis HR16 Drum Machine

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1988

A drum machine that sounds more like a drum kit than anything Ludwig ever made? True or not, Alesis' beat box is going to find its way into a lot of recording studios. Nicholas Rowland returns to his roots.

Alesis HR16 Drum Machine & MMT8 MIDI Recorder

Review | Music Technology, Sep 1987

Following the success of the MIDIverb, Alesis have ventured into the realms of drum machines and sequencers. Bob O'Donnell lends an ear and discovers that economy doesn't necessarily mean compromise.

Age of Chance

Interview | Music Technology, Jun 1990

Abandoning guitars for samplers, Skin became Fluke and discovered new artistic freedom. Simon Trask listens to the man/machine argument from people who've learned both sides of it.

Call Of The Wild

Interview | Music Technology, Mar 1989

After carving a career for themselves with their unique brand of anarchic funk, Shriekback have decided the time has come for a change. Barry Andrews tells David Bradwell about the importance of loving musical equipment.

Power In The Darkness

Interview | Music Technology, Dec 1991

After five years in the wilderness, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark are back with a new LP and tour. Tim Goodyer talks to Andy McCluskey about the value of technology.

Orchestral Manoeuvres In The 90s

Interview | Sound On Sound, Aug 1993
Andy McCluskey

Andy McCluskey reveals his dislike for synth programming and his penchant for the classics.

Cyber-Tribal World Funkateers

Interview | Sound On Sound, Feb 1992

D'Cuckoo are hardly your average MIDI band: they build their own instruments; they're all women, and they play "post-industrial cyber-tribal world-funk". Paul Tingen investigates.

In Praise Of Music

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1988

Q: When is a guitar not a guitar? A: When it's part of David Sylvian's music. Taking time out from a hectic schedule David Torn talks guitar textures and musical crossovers with Tim "pretentious, moi?" Goodyer.



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