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MIDIsoft Studio Sequencer

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1989

Tony Wride takes a look at the Advanced version of MIDIsoft Studio, an easy-to-use, versatile 64-track Atari sequencer with a lot to offer.

MIDIsoft Studio

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1988
Software for the Atari ST

This new Atari ST sequencing software package from America combines affordability with flexibility. Simon Trask applies the soft touch.

PC Notes

Feature | Topic: Computing | Sound On Sound, Jul 1993

Teachers And Technology

Show Report | Topic: Education | Sound On Sound, Mar 1992
BETT '92

Paul Gilby reports from the show devoted to educational technology.

Steinberg Twelve

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1989
Software for the Atari ST

If your music's been demanding a Steinberg sequencer but your pocket's been denying you Pro24, this new budget package could be your salvation. Baby talk: Vic Leonard.

The Shape of Things To Come

News | Sound On Sound, Feb 1987

Another digital reverb from Alesis, a waveform digitizing pad for the Roland S50 sampler, Passport's multitrack software for the Atari ST, exclusive news of the world's first ever 8-track recorder to use standard cassettes, and more...

SOS Guide to Music Software

Feature | Topic: Buyer's Guide | Sound On Sound, Apr 1988

Last month we gave you advice on choosing a computer for musical applications; as a follow on, this month Mike Barnes provides a comprehensive rundown of available music software for the Atari, Macintosh, IBM PC, and Amiga computers.

Yamaha C1 - Part 2

Review Series | Sound On Sound, Jul 1989
Music Software

In the second part of his review of the new Yamaha C1 music computer, Ian Gilby provides a rundown of the different types of music programs available for the C1 and explores the sequencing and MIDI utility program's that are bundled free with the computer.


News | Music Technology, May 1994

The month - this month

NAMM Report

Show Report | Music Technology, Aug 1987

In case the current wave of BMF-madness has overtaken you completely, MT dropped in on the annual Chicago show to see how the Americans do it. Report: Dan Goldstein, Rick Davies, Paul White and Bob O'Donnell.



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