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The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Sep 1986
The Micro Guitar

Tony Mills uncovers some software for—guitarists! Whatever will they think or next?

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Sep 1985
More Micro For Your Money

We save you money and serve you chips

Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Jul 1985

The latest developments from the land of the floppy. Tony Mills reports

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Oct 1985
Software For The 64

Hardware, software and evening wear for the 64

Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, May 1985
Editing Packages

Tony Mills investigates the noiseless properties of your micro

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing, Sequencing | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1985

The next in Liz Coley's sequence of computer features

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Dec 1985

What, a revolution in the US? Tony Mills plays foreign correspondent

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing, Sampling | International Musician & Recording World, Mar 1985

Budget digital sampling at the flick of a switch or two

Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Apr 1985

Tony Mills weighs up the pros and cons of augmenting your home micro with an add-on keyboard

Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Aug 1985
Bananas and Softsels

Advice for those with unusual computers

Musical Micro Survey

Feature | Topic: Buyer's Guide, Computing | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Mar 1984

Concise guide

Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing, MIDI, Sequencing | International Musician & Recording World, Feb 1985

Tony Mills on digital sequencers

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Dec 1986
'A Wandering Mistrel, I...'

Tony 'Chips With Everything' Mills, back with more software for the increasingly popular Atari 520ST

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Jul 1986
Take It From The Top

Tony Mills with more up and downmarket software

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Oct 1986
How To Save £54,800

Tony Mills makes a meal of the most interesting musical microprocessing around.

The Musical Micro

Show Report | Topic: Computing | Sound On Sound, Nov 1989
1989 PC Show Report

Over 100,000 people attended this year's show; Paul Ireson reveals what you missed music-wise if you stayed at home.

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Apr 1986
The Plot Thickens

More Pics on the beat monitored by Tony Mills

Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Jun 1985
The Power of the Floppy

Feeling floppy? Tony Mills slips a disk into his drive

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Feb 1986
Happy Christmas?!

Tony Mills looks back at Xmas 85, to see whether what you got for it was worth getting

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Nov 1986
Of Mice And Micros

Tony Mills, micros which start with the letter 'A', and a lot of software

Born In The USA

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Nov 1985
The Musical Micro

Tony Mills gets up to Yankee panky with some Stateside software

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1986
Usable Packages

The sun rises on computer music, or so says Tony Mills

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Mar 1986
Additions To Traditions

Tony Mills rips the lid off the latest in the land of the electrode; updates for Yamaha's CX5M, Greengate's DS:3, and the ever-popular Speccy.

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Jun 1986
Editing Packages

Tony Mills on sequencing and editing software for the C64 and Atari 520 ST micros

The Musical Micro

Feature | Topic: Computing | International Musician & Recording World, Aug 1986
Rag Bags and Hotch Potch

Another grab-bag of micro-goodies from IM&RW's computer hack (or is that hacker?) Tony Mills



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