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Simmons SDS9

Review | One Two Testing, Jul 1985

kits, rim shots, playing surfaces

Simmons SDS9

Review | Home & Studio Recording, Sep 1985

Worth its weight in microphones and Gaffa tape.

Simmons SDS9

Review | International Musician & Recording World, Jul 1985

Could this be the ultimate electronic kit? Bob Henrit thinks so

The Perfect Beat

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Jul 1985
Simmons SDS9 electronic drum kit

Simmon's new drum kit

Simmons' 9th

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1985

The people who invented the electronic drum introduce MIDI — and a decidedly acoustic sound - with the advent of a new kit, the SDS9. Nigel Lord gives his verdict.

Simmons SDE Module

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1987
Percussion Voice Expander

Nick Rowland takes sticks to Simmons pads - and finds a whole load of tuned percussion sounds appearing at the other end. Will drummers start putting xylophonists out of work?

On Tape

Index Audio | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Jul 1985

Tech Talk

Interview | Topic: Design, Development & Manufacture | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1985

Dave Simmons, the man behind the name on the hexagonal pad, holds forth on the past, present and future of electronic percussion. Paul White listens.

Fast Forward

News | Home & Studio Recording, Sep 1986

The Magic Of Enigma Studios

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | Sound On Sound, Apr 1989

Mike Collins investigates the magic behind Enigma Studios, a MIDI-based recording facility in London's East End.

The State of Play

Interview | Home & Studio Recording, Sep 1986

Not so much a home studio as a studio in the home.

Hit and Miss

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1985
Roland Electronic Drums

Paul White picks up his sticks and puts Roland’s electronic kit through its paces. Can it hold its head up against some stiff competition?

Exclusive Syn-D-Kation

Feature | Topic: Construction / Build, Electronics / Build | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1985
The Syn-D-Kit

Do you turn pale at the thought of forking out for a Simmons SDS9? Do you go green with envy when friends show off brand-new Ultimate Percussion kits? Paul White's design for a build-your-unswer electronic drum hit could bring a bit of colour to your cheeks.

PA Column

Feature | Topic: Live | International Musician & Recording World, Apr 1986

Jim Betteridge investigates altered perception, or is it just too much lager?

African Music - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Home Studio | Sound On Sound, Oct 1987

Sound On Sound reader Kofi Busia recently released his own independent LP called 'Oh Africa', funded entirely by himself. To encourage others to follow his example, we asked Kofi to write about his experiences. In this the first of three parts, he presents a frank and revealing account of why the record came about, how he came to grips with using modern technology for African music, and why he chose the equipment he used.

A Digital Hit

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1986
Dynacord Percuter S

Digital drums the Dynacord way. Or as Nigel Lord would put it, a better-than-average electronic drum kit at a higher-than-average price. Is the Percuter worth the extra?

Practically MIDI - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: MIDI, Synthesis & Sound Design | Sound On Sound, Nov 1987

While most of us spend our time trying to get our MIDI equipment to work together properly, Martin Russ reveals how to creatively mis-use MIDI and produce some interesting musical results.

In at the Deep End

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | Home & Studio Recording, Mar 1989

For all of you that have ever thought, 'If only I could build my own 24-track studio, I'd have it made', we present this cautionary tale.

Shock Treatment

Interview | Music Technology, Jun 1987

Take three musicians who like to remain anonymous, four film-makers and a stunning live show, and you've got one of the most original - if unsung - bands in Britain today.

Reader's Poll Results

Feedback | Making Music, Jan 1987

Who you (the readers) voted as best musician, and what you (still the readers) voted as best gear. We shake the world.



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