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Steinberg Pro 24

Review | International Musician & Recording World, Oct 1986

Sometimes Musical Micro just ain't big enough to hold down a piece of really macho software... Tony Mills grabs a suddenly floppy disk, and enters the cage.

Master or Servant

Review | Micro Music, Apr/May 1989

Phil Brammer & Co test drive Master Tracks Pro for the ST

Message In A Sample

Interview | Music Technology, May 1993

Meat Beat Manifesto are to music what Andy Warhol was to art - but they've already been famous for longer than 15 minutes. Phil Ward follows them to a Peel session and to their studio in Swindon, and finds that Meat is not, in fact, necessarily murder.


News | Micro Music, Oct/Nov 1989

Exclusive news from UK Electronica, plus all the latest in the world of MIDI music

Akai ASQ 10 Sequencer

Review | Sound On Sound, May 1988

The return of Roger Linn, as a member of the Akai team, promises much to the world of musical technology. The ASQ 10, bearing the Linn name, is a heavyweight sequencer in all senses. David Mellor assesses its abilities.



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