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Results: 1 - 4 of 4 displayed.
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The Art of Looping - Part 2Feature Series | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, Jan 1988In the second part in our series on successful sample looping Chris Meyer concentrates on the mysteries and subtleties of crossfade looping. |
The Art of Looping - Part 1Feature Series | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, Dec 1987Contrary to popular belief, glitching isn't a social embarrassment it's simply the sign of a bad loop; Chris Meyer and Bill Aspromonte suggest ways of improving your sampling techniques. |
The Art of Looping - Part 3Feature Series | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, Feb 1988The final part of this series on creating good sample loops. This month it's yesterday's synthesisers that submit their sounds to the digital manipulation of Chris Meyer. |
Drumware SoundfilerReview | Music Technology, Mar 1988Akai S900 Editor for the Atari STThis comprehensive visual sample-editing package from America could be the answer to many S900 owner's prayers. Vic Lennard says: have ST will travel. |
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