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The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Feb 1984

Lemmy tangles with a juke-box and wins.

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Aug 1984

Thomas Dolby dictates

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Dec 1983

Glenn Gregory chooses eight tracks for the ears.

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Jan 1985

Feargal Sharkey selects vocalists

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Jun 1984
Alexei Sayle

lists his nicest songs

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Mar 1985

burn for the best 12in mixes

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Sep 1984

neil's heaviest records, OK?

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Nov 1983

Bill Nelson compiles a desert island discography.

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Apr 1984
Billy Bragg

Billy Bragg picks eight that rate.

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Feb 1985

Andy Partridge tracks up

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Oct 1984

birthday treat: One Two staff lick pencils

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, May 1984
Nick Feldman

Nick Feldman chooses eight great tracks

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Mar 1984
Red Guitars

Red Guitars choose a collective top eight tracks.

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Nov 1984
Hugh Cornwell

strangler lists

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Dec 1984
Graeme Revell

SPK pick tracks

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Jan 1984
Robert Marlow

Robert Marlowe makes eight samples for his Stowaway.

The List

Feature | One Two Testing, Jul 1984
Edwyn Collins - Orange Juice

lists away

This article has no OCR bodytext.Communique

Feedback | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1986

Tangerine Dream head the list of topics aired in the E&MM readers' forum. If you have an opinion to add to any subject, this is the place to head for.

C-Lab Midia

Review | Music Technology, May 1991

Intended to help you find your way around MIDI, Midia forms part of C-Lab's educational ST software programme. Ian Waugh finds it indispensable as a MIDI monitor.

Software Support

Feature | Topic: Computing, Sequencing | Sound On Sound, Nov 1992
Hints, Tips & News From The World of Music Software


Editorial | International Musician & Recording World, Sep 1985

Fret Fax

Group: Do It Yourself

Feature | Topic: Tuition / Technique | Phaze 1, Jul 1989

Sunrise Software PC Drummer

Group: Quality Control

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1994
drum pattern editor

Yet more useful kit for PC musicians. Honestly, we're spoiling you...

Micro Music

Feature | Topic: Computing | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1982
The ZX Spectrum Beepquencer


Review | Music UK, Jul 1983

Marshall History & George Martin's Music Books for Looks



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