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Vince Clarke’s Wall Of Sound

Interview | Music Technology, Jun 1993

Here’s your ticket to Amsterdam, Vince will meet you at the studio and show you all his favourite classic synths. A dream? No, a reality, thanks to Ian Masterson and Music Technology. Ian gets an exclusive guided tour around Erasure’s secret analogue powerhouse, just for you. You can almost taste the Amstel beer

Vince Clarke

Interview | Sound On Sound, Dec 1991
Sold on the 3-Minute Song

Erasure's fifth album sees the duo of Vince Clarke and Andy Bell going from strength to strength, delivering electro-pop at its finest. But the doyens of synthesizer pop recorded Chorus with almost no MIDI instruments at all. Vince Clarke tells Paul Ireson how he made a hit album with 10-year old technology.

Clarke Techniques

Interview | Making Music, May 1986

Computers have made Vince Clarke a different Keyboardist. And you'll never guess why.

In Clarke's Shoes

Interview | Music Technology, Aug 1992

Unbitten by the digital bug, Vince Clarke only drives analogue.

How They Do Only You

Feature | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design, Synthesizer Patches | One Two Testing, Nov 1982

READOUT: Yazoo/single/control panel plans/sound guide... GOSUB

On Tape

Index Audio | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Nov 1984

Pro One

Group: Synth Special

Review | One Two Testing, Nov 1982
Twin oscillator mono synth with arpeggiator and sequencer

Korg MonoPoly

Group: Synth Special

Review | One Two Testing, Nov 1982
Four oscillator mono/poly synth combination

A Clean Slate

Interview | International Musician & Recording World, Apr 1986

Erasure head man Vince Clarke and his new band face the horror of a Tony Reed interview


Editorial | Music Technology, Feb 1993

A Cynic Writes...

Opinion | Music Technology, Feb 1993
When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Shopping

Waiting For The Perfect Song

Interview | Sound On Sound, Dec 1988

Since introducing the world to the delights of pure synth-pop in 1981, Vince Clarke has continued to demonstrate his mastery of the popular song form through the medium of synth technology. Paul Ireson investigates.

Short Cuts

Group: Quality Control

Review | Music Technology, Dec 1993

Reset For Success

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Mar 1984

Clarke, Radcliffe & Marlow

Studio Diary

Group: Recording World

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | International Musician & Recording World, May 1985

Adrian Deevoy on lead typewriter


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Apr 1988

This month, owners of the Ensoniq ESQ1, Roland Alpha Juno 1, Casio CZ101 and Yamaha DX7 offer their sounds for public consumption and personal distinction. Have you submitted a patch yet?

Studio Diary

Group: Recording World

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | International Musician & Recording World, Nov 1985

A half-page of wit from Adrian Deevoy. Or should that be...

Sounding Off

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Nov 1984

Vince Clarke reveals trade secrets.

You And Me Both

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1986

Electropop veteran Vince Clarke and latest partner, Andy Bell, discuss composing, sampling and singing following their debut album release. Tim Goodyer takes notes.

Home is where the art is

Group: In Session

Interview | The Mix, Jul 1994

Someday, all home studios will be built this way - an exclusive survey


Editorial | Sound On Sound, Oct 1989
Going Soft


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986

Readers' patches for DX7, CZ101 and Bit One synths, and the Yamaha CX5M micro. Keep 'em coming...

Absolute Precision

Review | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Jul 1985

Sequencing interface for the BBC

Studio Diary

Group: Recording World

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | International Musician & Recording World, Oct 1985

Yet again Deevoy confuses success and excess

The Basildon Bond

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker & Computer Music, Apr 1984



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