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Search results

Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Performing | International Musician & Recording World, Feb 1986

The First Lady of lungs stages a live lesson

Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Tuition / Technique | International Musician & Recording World, Apr 1986

More bel canto from our Pop Prima Donna

Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Performing | International Musician & Recording World, Feb 1985

Adrian Deevoy goes larynx-in-hand to seek advice from Britain's most swinging singing teacher, Tona de Brett

Tona De Brett's Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Performing, Tuition / Technique | International Musician & Recording World, Oct 1985

More vocal gymnastics with Queen of the chords

Tona De Brett's Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Performing, Tuition / Technique | International Musician & Recording World, Aug 1985

Due to popular demand the swinging singing tutor is back with her own series

Tona De Brett's Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Performing, Tuition / Technique | International Musician & Recording World, Dec 1985

Talking musical morsels, and how not to mince them

Tona De Brett's Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Performing, Tuition / Technique | International Musician & Recording World, Sep 1985

Take a deep breath. Now repeat after me: 'Tone's topping tutorial tips teach trainee tonsils'

Tona De Brett's Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Tuition / Technique, Performing | International Musician & Recording World, Jan 1986

On the importance of loving and living with a song

Tona De Brett's Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Tuition / Technique, Performing | International Musician & Recording World, May 1986
Queries answered...

Our first lady of song sorts out your traumas

Tona De Brett's Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Tuition / Technique, Performing | International Musician & Recording World, Nov 1985
Choosing A Teacher

Sing out with Tona's bona fide guide to melodic yelling

Tona De Brett's Vocal Points

Feature | Topic: Performing | International Musician & Recording World, Feb 1986
Singing In A Recording Studio

La Professora pops into the recording studio with a few more handy singing tips



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