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Article from The Mix, June 1995

The biggest audio and music technology show in the UK this year takes place at The National Hall, Olympia from 21st-23rd June. Audio Technology '95, the show of the Association of Professional Recording Services, aims to attract more of the general music-producing public this year, by offering a series of workshops and briefings, as well as the huge range of equipment on display.

The Mix will have a large presence at the show, with a stand where you can come and meet the staff. The highlight of each day, though, will be our music production seminars, in which industry heavyweights give hints on producing better music and getting it heard! Mr. C., James Reynolds, and Brian O'Shaunnessy will be the men in the hot seat (see panel for full details) in what promise to be an essential part of each day.

Many of the major manufacturers will be at the show this year, and news of some of the products on display follow...


This year's Audio Technology show looks like the start of a big year for Silver monitors when it hopes to establish the correct use of closefield monitoring, a technique capable of producing a perfectly balanced mix in a less than ideal acoustic environment.

When they launch the redesigned 5L & BH system, and previewing the new 10L midfield system, Silver hope to prove the benefits of RWRS (Real World Response System), a computer based acoustic design system which predicts exactly how a monitor will perform in a given environment and interface with the human ear.

As a result the 5L has a newly designed, fully shielded casing, new drivers with coated surrounds and uprated crossovers. It is apparently the only monitor in the world to boast a balanced mix at a 50cm listening distance.

The 10L monitor is a quasi three way in a reflex cabinet critically tuned in order to produce bass energy in a specific way to overcome some of the room-affected acoustic problems. The 6.5" bass driver and the 4.5" mid driver both have solid copper phase plugs, whilst both drivers employ copper rings mounted on a T-shaped pole piece to reduce non-linear, and modulation distortion to increase overload margin.

Silver have joined forces with The M Corporation in the UK, hence both systems will appear on The M Corporation stand no. 232.

beyerdynamic unveil several additions to their microphone family at this year's show, including the MCE83 cardioid studio condenser mic and U600 UHF wireless system. There's also the new XS dynamic range, SHM22H and SHM22F goosenecks, and a new version of the MPC65 boundary microphone. Their headset range is also expanded, with the new DT200 series.

Soundtracs consolidate the success of their Topaz range of mixers with the new Mini, Macro and Maxi models, while XTA announce the new DP 100 audio delay processor, bringing a new flexibility to effects processing. SPL have a new mic pre-amp, available in single and dual channel versions; known as the ProMike and MikeMan.

Last but by no means least of the new launches from the beyerdynamic group is Omniphonics' AVI video controller, and a series of remote-control sound management systems known as PreMatrix.

TL Audio introduce eight new additions to their Valve Technology range of products at this year's A.T. show. These include the Classic 100 and Classic Gold consoles — expandable in line / split consoles with a choice of IC, discrete transistor or valve modules that may be mixed within the same console. Each console comes pre-wired for TL Audios own System Recall, currently being developed.

The 8/2 Valve Mixer Plus will also be shown along with five other new products — four of them valve based. Other models on exhibit will be their Valve Equaliser. Valve Compressor, Pentode Valve Pre Amp, Valve Mic Pre Amp DI and the 8/2 Valve Mixer. The Classic Neve EQ and Portable 4/2 ENG mixer will also be on display.

TL audio will be on stand 530

The new Kurzweil K2500 will be previewed for the first time as a fully functional unit at this year's Audio Technology show, Olympia 1. The K2500 offers the equivalent power of more than two K2000s in one box, combined with some innovative new features. The K2500 will be accompanying the K2000 on The M Corporation Stand, no. 232, enabling a direct comparison between the two.

Music Production Workshops

Friday 21st June Brian O'Shaughnessy

As far as producing guitar-based music is concerned, there's little that Brian doesn't know. Having worked on many of Primal Scream's albums, and one of Creation Records favourite producers, he's now in vogue with a new generation of musicians. Author of the popular series of tutorials in The Mix 'Heavy fretting', Brian will be revealing some of the secrets he's picked up over the years about producing guitar based music.

Saturday 22nd June Mr C

Former Shamen frontman and DJ/Producer Mr C is now at the helm of his own music empire, with several happening labels including Plink Plonk, E.A.R and Low Voltage. Mr C will be giving an insight into producing thumping sounds and interactive beats, plus advice on getting your music heard.

Not for the fainthearted or lily-livered, this is one definitely not to be missed!

Sunday 23rd June James Reynolds

M-People, Waterboys, Bronski Beat, 8-Express, and The Shamen are just a few of the bands that have benefitted from James Reynolds' production skills. One of the most successful producers to have moved into dance production and remixing in recent years, James shows you why The Beatmasters and M-People won't work with anyone else!

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Short takes

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On The Net

Publisher: The Mix - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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The Mix - Jun 1995

Donated by: Colin Potter

Coverdisc: Mike Gorman

Show Report

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> Short takes

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> On The Net

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