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Article from One Two Testing, October 1986

What spew!

Everybody say yo! Blabber sees that there's lots of commotion in the legal world concerning several members of our hallowed industry, most notably one Ray Mayhew, drummer with the beloved Sigue Sigue Sputnik. After being charged with threatening behaviour, he was arrested again and charged with assaulting an ex-girlfriend. He's also due to be in court early this month to face charges over an alleged bottle throwing incident at an SSS gig earlier this year. What a butch boy...

Bill Wyman's alleged young lover Mandy Smith was yanked into Scotland Yard recently for questioning and it seems that her testimony gave insufficient grounds for prosecution and it is likely that finally Bill can return to this country from his hideaway in the South of France without being arrested. Blabber also hears that Ms Smith has been offered film and recording contracts by people who should know better. Sick...

Band Aid are being sued by a German company for £700,000 for allegedly failing to honour an agreement to buy 28 trucks...

Reports of Hull's finest and last month's cover stars, The Housemartins, taking to Hip Hop are entirely true. A recent set in their home town saw them doing a human beatbox number at the end, with the ensemble doing a collective vocal drum machine impression and walking off stage with the by then useless drum kit...

Australian punk pioneers The Taints (remember 'I'm Stranded') have just signed to Polydor in the UK. Expect an album and tour very soon. Watch this space for more news...

Elvis Costello has been booked to play six nights at the Royal Albert Hall from January 22-27, tickets go on sale on the third of October...

German wonders Propaganda, still in dispute with label ZTT are denying rumours of a split, but singer Claudia (Mrs Paul Morley to you) has indeed left the band...

Congratulations Red Wedge on their first birthday... The Smiths' The Queen Is Dead' video is to go out as a support feature to 'Sid and Nancy' from the beginning of this month. The video's fifteen minutes long and features 'Panic', 'The Queen Is Dead' and 'There Is A Light That Never Goes'...

and finally news that Whopper boy Zodiac (see last month's Blabber for that one) is to have a cameo, er, partin the new Bob Dylan film. Rumours that he will only be shown from the waist up so as not to upstage the dinosaur are not to be entirely discounted...

That's all for now. Be seeing you.

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All Grown Up

Publisher: One Two Testing - IPC Magazines Ltd, Northern & Shell Ltd.

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One Two Testing - Oct 1986


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> Shredder

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> All Grown Up

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