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Article from Home & Studio Recording, November 1985

A new company has just been formed by ex-Atlantex men Bob Wilson, Tony Williams and Dave Scott. Sound Technology will continue to represent all the manufacturers previously handled by Bob Wilson: Alesis, Aphex, Ashly Audio, Dod Electronics, Oberheim, Sundholm and Symetrix. Further information is available from Sound Technology Ltd, (Contact Details).

Tannoy Mini Lynx.

Tannoy have announced a new addition to their Wildcat range of speakers. The Mini Lynx is a smaller and more compact version of the Lynx and uses a new 8" Dual Concentric drive unit. The response is especially tailored for wall mounting and wall fixing plates are supplied for easy installation.

Dod Electronics have released two new products in the form of the PD1550 Programmable Distortion unit and the FX45 Stereo Reverb. The PD1550 features up to 40mS of delay and two separate modes of distortion. Distortion A is a heavy metal type of distortion, with programmable filters, delay time, gain and level, and 3-band parametric EQ. Distortion B offers a wide range of distortion from a clean signal to full overdrive.

Also from Dod comes the PDS1000 Digital Delay; a twin pad footpedal that can give up to one second's delay and has an infinite repeat facility. A development of this; the PDS2000 has also been announced. This is a Digital Sampler that features up to 2 seconds of delay and again, infinite repeat.

Yet another new product from Dod is the RDS3600 Sampling Digital Delay (reviewed in this issue). This offers up to seven seconds of delay and incorporates a footswitch control. Flange and chorus controls are featured, as are Speed, Width, Echo, Double (ADT) and triggerable Repeat Hold facilities. Information is available from Rhino Music Spares, (Contact Details).

Nakamichi MR1 Cassette Deck.

From Nakamichi comes a new cassette deck designed for studio applications. The MR1, a 3-head, dual capstan rack mounting deck, incorporates both Dolby B and C and many other professional features. Further information from Quested Monitoring Systems, (Contact Details).

Memtek Products have just launched two new Memorex blank audio cassettes. These are the CDX11 metal C90, which is designed to give no distortion even at high recording levels, and the HBX11 ferric/cobalt C60/90, that features an increased sensitivity and frequency response. Also, four new lightweight headphones have been announced; the PRO1010, the PRO1020, the PRO2020 (for use with CD players) and the low cost PRO120. Further information is available from Memtek Products-Europe, (Contact Details).

John Hornby Skewes have also released a new range of headphones. The GE600T has inbuilt tone and volume controls and padded surrounds to the ear and headpieces. Frequency response is 18Hz to 22kHz and they cost £13. The CH302E has an inbuilt volume control, padded ear and headpieces, a 20Hz-20kHz frequency response and a price tag of £11. The GH569 headphones are of the collapsable variety and feature a 100Hz to 10kHz frequency response and a cost of £3.95. Finally, the GH609 is another collapsable model which retails at £4.95 and has a slightly wider frequency response, at 40Hz-20kHz. Further information can be obtained from John Hornby Skewes & Co Ltd, (Contact Details).

A one day workshop on recording British music will be held on Saturday the 9th of November at Novello House, (Contact Details). Sponsored and organised by the British Music Society, the National Sound Archive and Gramophone magazine. The main theme of the conference will be why so much British music is not available on record. Information may be obtained from the British Music Society, (Contact Details) or from the National Sound Archive on (Contact Details).

New software for the BBC B or the Spectrum to help with 8-track mixdown has just been written at Sky Sound, a Cambridge-based studio. It will display the mix changes in real time and provides a record of the mixdown, thus eliminating the need for track sheets. The package costs £12, (£5 for a backup). Information on 'Sky Sound Mixaid' is available from Sky Sound, (Contact Details).

Two new products are due for release from Aphex shortly. A new Aural Exciter; the Type C promises both to be cheaper and to feature an improved specification in terms of noise level and dynamic range. Another Compressor/Limiter is also forthcoming, named the Dominator. Aphex president, Marvin Caesar, describes these products in 'The Man who Sells Excitement' - an article in this very issue, and more detailed information may be obtained from Sound Technology, (Contact Details).

Ross RE2580.

Ross Electronics have announced three new pairs of headphones to add to their Designer range. RE2560s have been developed for CD reproduction. They like the others, feature dual filter bass enhancement and the frequency response is 20Hz to 22kHz. They retail at £24.95. RE2540s have a frequency response of 20Hz to 20kHz and retail at £19.95, and RE2580s, with a frequency response of 15Hz to 23kHz cost £26.95. For further information, contact Ross Electronics, (Contact Details).

Bad news for those following the Studio Mains Supplies saga; the Department of Trade and Industry is to discontinue its free service to those who complain of interference problems from outside sources. This is a result of the decline in staff numbers after British Telecom was transferred to the DTI. However, a free booklet is to be provided, detailing technical advice on the subject, but there seems to be some doubt as to whether all the information will fit into a single pamphlet!

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One for the Rack

Publisher: Home & Studio Recording - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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Home & Studio Recording - Nov 1985

Donated & scanned by: Mike Gorman


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> One for the Rack

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