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Mixing it!

Handsworth Revolution

Article from The Mix, March 1995

Birmingham studio DEP International have just opened their Studio 1 as a top-flite recording/mixing facility. For many years synonymous with UB40, DEP International has remained shrouded in secrecy, and the relaunch is intended to dispel any doubt about the studios being available for hire. Not only is there the newly refurbished Studio 1, designed by Recording Architecture, but there's also Studio 2, which is a more cost-effective facility.

"Studio 1 is on a par with many of the top London studios, but is more cost-effective due to the location, so we expect to attract major clients from both here and abroad," says studio manager Nick Phipps.

"But we also see DEP International as being a focal point for Birmingham music, so having Studio 2 means that a lot of local bands can record here as well."

DEP's commitment to nurturing local talent has already resulted in a joint venture with Birmingham magazine Brum Beat to find the best in local music. Out of hundreds of demo tapes, four winners were selected to feature on a specially-produced CD, which was distributed to movers and shakers in the industry. Recorded in Studio 2 by chief engineer Mike Exeter and assistant engineer Dan Armstrong, the results are consistent with the expertise of the engineers and the quality of both the rooms and gear in Studio 2 (see side panel). Says Mike:

"The Amek Angela is still a great desk, and along with the other gear in this studio, this is a superb facility. The other thing about this studio is we don't charge extra for anything, because everything's paid for. So you're getting Dolby SR and a lot of other kit that you'd normally pay extra for. We're getting a studio drum kit in there which, again, won't cost extra."

It's refreshing to find a studio with the interests of local talent high in their priorities, but that's one of the main purposes of DEP International. As a developing artist/band, you won't come up against the sort of attitude from engineers or producers that bedevils many a studio session. Equally, you won't find the plug pulled on your session if you haven't quite finished and the clock says you should be.

"We won't send a band away from here with something they're not happy with," says Nick Phipp. "If we need to spend a few more hours getting something right, we will do."

Also unlike a lot of studios, DEP don't book sessions back to back, so if a session needs to be extended for a few hours, it's not a problem. Of the acts on DEP International's showcase CD, one is on the verge of signing, and all have been attracting record company interest. There's obviously a wealth of talent in and around Birmingham, and DEP International could well become an outlet for the area's music, as well as attracting world-class artists away from the capital. But who's the first artist booked into Studio 1? Why, Ali Campbell...

Studio enquiries should be made to Nick Phipps, as well as information about the competition winners (Contact Details)

On the RE:MIX CD

Recorded at DEP International's new studios, First Impressions' is an auspicious debut for Birmingham's own Unit 213, who were joint winners of the Brum Beat/DEP talent search competition.

DEP International kit list

Studio 1
- DDA AMR24 desk with Optifile 3D Automation
- Otari MTR90 x 2
- 48 channels of Dolby SR
- ATC SCM-300 monitors
- Panasonic SV-3700 DAT
- Otari MTR-12 1/2 inch tape machine
- Drawmer 1960 Dual Valve Mic Pre/Compressor
- Focusrite RED2 & RED3
- Amek 9098 Mic Pre/EQs x 2
- Tubetech LCA2B Dual Valve Compressor
- Eventide H3500 and H3000
- Roland SDE-3000
- Yamaha SPX990
- Yamaha SPX900 x 2
- AMS DMX 15-80S
- BEL BD320 & BD80
- Dolby Spectral EQ
- Drawmer DL221 x 3
- Urei LA4 x 2
- DBX 160X x 4
- Drawmer DS201 x 3
- A&D Panscan
- Lexicon 480L and 224XL
- Akai S1100 (32Mb) x 3
- DAO 128Mb MO Drive
- MOTU MIDI Timepiece

Studio 2
- Amek Angela 3624 with Optifile Tetra Automation
- Otari MT R90II 24-track with 24 channels of Dolby SR
- ATC SCM-150A monitors
- Panasonic SV-3700 DAT
- Otari MTR-10 1/4 inch tape machine
- Drawmer 1960 Dualve Valve Mic Pre/Compressor
- TL Audio Dual Valve Mic Pre/EQ
- Neve 33122 Mic Pre/EQ x 6
- EAR 822Q EQ x 2
- Drawmer DL221 Dual Compressor Limiters x 2
- Drawmer DS201 Dual Gates x 2
- Aphex Type C Exciter
- DBX 160X compressor x 2
- Lexicon PCM70
- Yamaha REVS
- Eventide H3500
- Yamaha REV7
- AMS RMX-16
- Lexicon 224X

Previous Article in this issue

Art or noise?

Next article in this issue

Mixing It! USA

Publisher: The Mix - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

The current copyright owner/s of this content may differ from the originally published copyright notice.
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The Mix - Mar 1995

Donated by: Colin Potter

Coverdisc: Simon Dell

Mixing it!

Re:Mix #9 Tracklisting:

05 First Impressions

This disk has been archived in full and disk images and further downloads are available at - Re:Mix #9.

Feature by Chris Kempster

Previous article in this issue:

> Art or noise?

Next article in this issue:

> Mixing It! USA

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