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The Hands-On show 1985Article from Home & Studio Recording, November 1985 |
The Hands-On show takes a on a different format this year in that it will be based at the Turnkey shop on Percy St and at the Bedford Corner hotel, situated on the corner of Tottenham Court Rd and Bayly St. Unlike previous shows, this year's will run right through November, with seminars being held at the hotel and hands-on workshops being run at the Turnkey shop. The format for the hands-on section of the show is as follows:
Mondays - Bring along your demo tapes and have them 'sweetened' using the latest in rack mounting effects and processors. The first twelve customers each Monday get a free cassette of their improved mix and subsequent customers only have to pay for the cassette.
Tuesdays - Sixteen track recording performed live in the shop with all stages of the process being covered from track laying to mixing.
Wednesdays - A hands-on demo of the PPG keyboard system.
Thursdays - Multitrack Wars. See all the popular multitrack packages up and running and decide for yourself which is the right one for you. H&SR staff will be on hand to add to the general confusion and hopefully maintain an air of impartiality.
Friday - is Fostex day. AH the established products plus some exciting new ones for you to get your hands on.
Saturday - Sales, special offers and bargains that make even the sale prices look silly so it's first come, first served.
Seminars at the Bedford Corner hotel are as follows:
Saturday 2nd Nov 1pm - Pre-production Techniques for Recording Synths.
Saturday 9th Nov 1pm - 16-track Horizons presented by Dave Ward.
Thursday 14th Nov 7pm - Stretching 8-Track; using time codes, sync and MIDI presented by Dave Ward and Mick Parker.
Thursday 21st Nov 7pm - 16-track Master Class based around the B16.
Tuesday 26th Nov 7pm - Reverb and Delay Techniques. Dave Ward explores these treatments in depth.
Editorial by Paul White
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