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Load Baring

Article from One Two Testing, August 1985

More very wonderful DX7 programs from the reasonably wonderful Ken Campbell, Yamaha's hi-tech specialist.

Right, here's something to do with your DX7 other than polishing it: two sounds with lots of 'stuff' in them (Stuff noun, sim:- bonk. Noises; not part of actual sound but contributing to the general atmosphere).

One, THE GUITAR, for those Adrian Legg licks; two SUNSCREAM, this month's atmosphere sound.

THE GUITAR is a very touch-sensitive sound which will do everything from string-snapping solos to slapped bass (almost). If it is played lightly you can achieve a harmonics type of effect. Operator 1 is fixed frequency in order to remove the centre frequency of the modulation; Operator 2 provides the harmonics. This is a side effect of the Op. 1 setting. As they are arranged in a simple pair, and Op. 1 has effectively been removed, then all that is left is a relatively pure sinewave. Op. 3 provides some bonk i.e. the sound of the strings being 'stopped' when you release the keys. The rest provide the basic guitar sound, with a very high ratio at the top of the stack to give the sound some edge.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

SUNSCREAM is a time effect. It uses the very fast response of the DX's envelopes to give a variety of timbres. If the keys are pressed in the time-honoured fashion like what keyboard players tend to do, then all you get is a dull thud (down to the acoustic uncertainty principle this one). However, try snatching at the keys like you are trying to scrape a dead spider off them (this technique is not in your piano tutor book) and it will 'scream'. The sound, that is, not the spider.

Enough clues, now try and work out how I did it.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

(P.S. The answer to May's INTERFERON is aliasing.)

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Publisher: One Two Testing - IPC Magazines Ltd, Northern & Shell Ltd.

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One Two Testing - Aug 1985

Donated by: Colin Potter

Feature by Ken Campbell

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> Overtones

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> Monitorium

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