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Music Maker Equipment Scene | |
Article from Electronics & Music Maker, November 1982 |
Datanomics Ltd/E.M.S., designers and manufacturers of E.M.S. range of Synthesisers and Electronic Music Equipment have recently sold the first of their improved Synthi 100's to a Spanish customer. The E.M.S. Synthesisers are renowned throughout the world for their versatility and adaptability and the new design Synthi 100 claims to be the most advanced synthesiser of its type.
All 12 Oscillators are now identical having switch selection from Voice/Very Low Frequency operation. Each has individual outputs of Sine, Sawtooth, Pulse or Triangle Wave Forms with level control. The circuitry of the Oscillators has been completely re-designed, giving much greater stability, and more perfect tracking.
All the Filters are now 24 dB per Octave types, also redesigned to give better stability and tracking. The three Envelope Shapers have been re-designed to give delay, attack, decay, sustain and release modifiers (all voltage controlled).
The Keyboards are now micro-processor scanned, giving a very stable pitch voltage, and the Sequencer uses a separate micro-processor, making it re-configurable to individual users requirements.
In addition to the traditional reverb spring facility, an analogue delay line echo device is now included, with voltage-controlled delay, and echo mix. All Input and Output lines are balanced, giving full Studio working up to +16dBm levels. Noise and distortion have been reduced. The Patch Boards have been extended allowing more facilities to be programmed, and true virtual-earth mixing is employed to prevent interaction.
Further details from Datanomics Ltd./E.M.S., (Contact Details).
AKG have introduced two new lightweight headphones aimed at the portable hi-fi market.
The K1 has an approximate retail price of £17.25, which includes a carrying case doubling as a belt pack. The earpieces are connected by a collapsible stainless steel trellis designed for maximum adjustment and comfort. The K1 can be connected to any headphone output with an impedance of between 5 and 600 ohms.
The K4 headphone, developed from the widely respected AKG340, contains two separate units, one dynamic and one electrostatic. This system, claim AKG, is capable of producing very clear treble sounds together with a full bass-frequency range in fact being quoted as 20-25000 Hz. The approximate selling price is £62.10.
Further details from AKG Acoustics Ltd., (Contact Details).
EMT Franz GmbH recently introduced their EMT 245 Digital Reverberator, intended to exactly simulate the acoustics of a room of any desired size. Reverb time is selectable in sixteen steps between 0.4 and 4.5 seconds, and the high frequency absorption of air particles and bass emphasis of stone walls, for instance, can be duplicated if desired. The EMT 245's Remote Control unit can control and give a digital readout of all functions through connection by a single audio line: it contains an 8748 microprocessor which also allows it to store all the details of ten different reverb settings. Lithium battery power maintains this stored information for up to ten years. The reverb unit is compact enough for mobile use.
Further details from F.W.O. Bauch Ltd., (Contact Details).
Bandive recently introduced new additions to the Accessit range of budget-priced studio effects. There's a sweep equaliser with two bands, each switchable to a high and low frequency setting and with individual gain: a noise gate with adjustable trip threshold: and a compressor with input and release controls and a moving coil meter to indicate dynamic range reduction. There's also a reverb unit coupled to a remote stereo reverberation controller featuring an LED peak input indicator, connection being made via three leads which make a mix of 'wet' and 'dry' signal available.
Further details from Bandive, (Contact Details).
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