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Article from Electronics & Music Maker, October 1984

Readers send in details of their own synth sounds and how to play them.

Readers send in details of their own synth patches and how to play them...

KORG POLY 800 'From Pans to Cornet'

Mark Flowers, Lemington Spa

This is called 'how to fit three patches in the space of one'. Surely there'll be a patch to suit everyone (Stop calling me Shirley - Ed) in amongst this lot.

The Pan Pipe program can be used with the pitch bend at 1.5 for Georghe Zamfir-style pitch changes, while the Ambient Strings program is useful for producing gentle gliding notes in rich, layered pieces of music (notes should be held down whilst changing to another for continuity of sound).

(Click image for higher resolution version)

SCI PRO ONE 'Goodbye 70s'

Trevor Prinn, Essex

Inspired by the meaty intro synth from Yazoo's song of the same name, this patch for the SCI Pro One should be played with the modulation wheel pushed forward to the halfway position.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

ROLAND JX3P 'Toy Piano'

John Phelph, Essex

It seems that the tinkling sound of a toy piano will never be out of fashion: recent users have included OMD and Depeche Mode, among others.

John has left the tuning settings to your own judgement, and adds that manipulating the patch somewhat (though he wasn't specific) will even produce a passable celeste sound.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

General Notes:

1. The patch may be achieved either with the PG-200 programmer, switched to manual, or by using the JX3P edit facility.

2. The indicator column refers to the bank buttons A to D or, where appropriate, the Tone Selector indicators 1 to 16 which are set using the sens knob.

3. DCO-2 tuning (elements A-8 and A-9) is best accomplished "by ear".

YAMAHA DX9 'P-Funk Bass'

Bill Coopland, Sheffield

Bill owes this patch to the influences of George Duke, Bootsy Collins, and a bottle of Scotch ... He advised playing over the bottom three octaves of the keyboard, and creating a 'fretless' effect by careful use of the pedal switch (portamento) or pitch bend wheel.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

Corrigendum: Yamaha DX7 - please note that the 'Funkmaster' patch in August '84 had inadvertently reversed operator modes. The correct settings should tead: OP6 down to OP1 - R, R, R, R, Hz, R respectively.

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Publisher: Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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Electronics & Music Maker - Oct 1984

Donated & scanned by: Stewart Lawler


Previous article in this issue:

> E&MM Analogue Electronic Dru...

Next article in this issue:

> Understanding the DX7

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