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mixed-mode CD tracklist

Article from The Mix, March 1995

The words behind the sounds on this month's CD and CD-ROM

About Re:mix

RE:MIX combines normal CD audio with software readable by a computer's or sampler's CD-ROM drive. The software will not harm your CD player, but it may make an unpleasant sound. So if you value your speakers, don't play track 1! Most modern CD-ROM drives can also play audio CDs, so computer users get the best of both worlds. And don't worry about compatibility. Your CD-ROM drive - Mac, PC or Atari will simply recognise compatible files and allow you to open only those files.

Buying a CD-ROM?

If you don't have a CD-ROM drive for your computer, you may be considering getting one to take advantage of all the good stuff that's on the RE:MIX CD-ROM partition. If you are, then we've put together a shortlist of dealers that we are confident can give you the best advice and backup. CD-ROM is not quite as straightforward as the computer press would have us believe, and there are important distinctions between models depending on what your use is likely to be. If you do want more information, then we advise you to contact the following dealers.

For PC users, Silica Systems ((Contact Details)) stock a wide range of drives, both internal and external. Atari users can find a rare stockist in System Solutions ((Contact Details)), and VAC ((Contact Details)) cater for PC, Mac and Atari.

Software section



Pro Mix 01 Demo
A fully functioning Mac version of Yamaha's Pro Mix 01 demo which came to you in an incomplete version last month.

Cubasis Demo
A demo version of Steinberg's newest entry-level sequencer.

Samplitude Pro Demo
Record inordinately long samples to hard disk with the demo version of this swizzy direct-to-disk sampling program.

Ragtime Pianist Demo
Listen to a few Scott Joplin MIDI files, and answer the trivia. I've started, so I'll finish...

Handy Chord Reckoner
Play a really ugly-sounding cluster, and find out whether it's got a real chord name.

Quick Score Pro Demo
A demo version of Dr T's sequencer program, with some lovely score options.

Another collection of samples in WAV format that really work!

MIDI files
This month's files for the Dream Sequences tutorial.


SMF Player
Play all your MIDI files from the GEM desktop. Falcon and TOS2.06 compatible.

Analogue Sequencer
A soft emulation of analogue style sequencing for retro techheads (not Falcon compatible).

A choice selection of quality samples in AVR and SPL format. Use them at your leisure/peril.

MIDI files
The MIDI files for this month's Dream Sequences in Atari format, along with the COM file for loading into Cubase's Interactive Phrase Synthesiser.


Pro Mix 01 Demo
Yamaha's Pro Mix 01 demo, fully functioning this time.

Glass - Hex/Coldcut
This QT movie from cyberpunks Coldcut didn't make it onto the CD last month. Here it is, with its accompanying Movie Player.

New Orleans Pianist demo
Another of those fine collections of piano-tinkling classics from PG Music.

Sound Handle
Record some sounds, and then apply all manner of things to it with this versatile shareware sample editor.

MIDI files
This month's Dream Sequences files in Mac format.

Audio section


Intro Music & MS 1 Demo to the task of introducing this month's


It's that man again! MC Dan gets down silver substrate salver (audio mix).


When we asked Steve Hillage for an original mix of one of the tracks off the System 7 album Fire, he dug deep into his DAT archives and came up with this out-take of 'Alpha Wave'. Sound surfing at its best.


Listen to DEP artists Unit 213 and enjoy some of Birmingham's unique reggae sound. Seen?


(John Blackford remix)
In another exclusive, Moby kindly lets us hear the American winner of his transatlantic remix competition.


He's back! Dan, the man with a plan, appraises you as to the contents of the reader's demo section.


Well, a message from Australia actually. This one-time collaborator with Split Enz has a guitar and a message. Listen to it!


Lyrical weirdness isn't dead yet, as the Assam Tea Junkies prove in the title track from their demo tape.


This month's selection of instrument demos.


The Digitar provides the easiest way yet to replicate strumming on a synth. Roger Brown plugged it in and came up with this unusual marriage of timbres.

Note: This track is missing from the included CD, possibly due to a disk error during compilation.


Just to prove even computers get the blues, Roger came up with this retro tune to demonstrate the GM sounds in the new workstation from Yamaha.


Dan introduces another clutch of tutorials.


The intricacies of recording guitar are explored by Brian O'Shaughnessy in this aural tutorial to accompany the text on page 131


Roger gets all interactive with his synths in this month's Dream Sequences, as he explores Cubase's Interactive Phrase Synthesiser.


Funky drum sounds for use with Kit 1 in this month's episode of On The Beat.


Kit 2 from On the Beat. Sample it, loop it, play it! If you can stand it, I can!


MC Dan serves up the samples


First Up is the CD which comes with the Roland MS1. As well as functioning as a good introduction to the world of sampling, it is a very usable CD in its own right. Turn to Chris's review of the MS1 for a full listing.


A mix of loops and multi-samples from Zero G's Funk Bass.


XLS's collection of one shot bass sounds is one of the most eclectic and original selections on CD. The full listing of sounds is to be found accompanying the review in Toolbox.


The Casio CZ101 is still sought after, for those who value synths with personality. This selection of original patches from Joe Brusi's library demonstrates why. Read his retro review in Total Recall.

Previous Article in this issue

Front of House

Next article in this issue

Short takes

Publisher: The Mix - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

The current copyright owner/s of this content may differ from the originally published copyright notice.
More details on copyright ownership...


The Mix - Mar 1995

Donated by: Colin Potter

Coverdisc: Simon Dell

Re:Mix #9 Tracklisting:

02 Intro Music & Roland MS1 Demo
03 MC Dan stands on ceremony
04 Alpha Wave
05 First Impressions
06 Everytime You Touch Me remix
07 Readers' demo intro
08 Message From Another World
09 Assam Tea Junkies
10 Instrument demo intros
12 Gear demo - Yamaha W7 (GM Sound Set)
13 Tutorials intro
14 Brian O'Shaughnessy - Recording guitar
15 Roger 'James' Brown - Dream Sequences
16 On The Beat, Kit 1
17 On The Beat, Kit 2
18 Samples intro
19 Roland MS1 samples library - 1
20 Roland MS1 samples library - 2
21 Roland MS1 samples library - 3
22 Roland MS1 samples library - 4
23 Roland MS1 samples library - 5
24 Roland MS1 samples library - 6
25 Roland MS1 samples library - 7
26 Roland MS1 samples library - 8
27 Roland MS1 samples library - 9
28 Roland MS1 samples library - 10
29 Roland MS1 samples library - 11
30 Roland MS1 samples library - 12
31 Roland MS1 samples library - 13
32 Roland MS1 samples library - 14
33 Roland MS1 samples library - 15
34 Roland MS1 samples library - 16
35 Roland MS1 samples library - 17
36 Roland MS1 samples library - 18
37 Roland MS1 samples library - 19
38 Roland MS1 samples library - 20
39 Zero-G Funk Bass samples - 1
40 Zero-G Funk Bass samples - 2
41 Zero-G Funk Bass samples - 3
42 Zero-G Funk Bass samples - 4
43 Zero-G Funk Bass samples - 5
44 Zero-G Funk Bass samples - 6
45 Zero-G Funk Bass samples - 7
46 Zero-G Funk Bass samples - 8
47 XLS Bass Appetiser
48 Casio CZ101 samples (Joe Brusi)

This disk has been archived in full and disk images and further downloads are available at - Re:Mix #9.


Previous article in this issue:

> Front of House

Next article in this issue:

> Short takes

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