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Icehouse - Warm Music, Cool Thoughts

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jul 1986

Iva Davies and Bob Kretschmer take a walkabout from the land of the Fairlight to talk to Tim Goodyer about a new LP, new technology, real singers and the ballet.

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

TinTin Adulation

Interview | One Two Testing, Oct 1985
Stephen Duffy & Stephen Street

cocksure ex-tintin ex-duran talks tech

David Cunningham - The Lizard King

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, Nov 1984

At home in the ice-house with Flying Lizard David Cunningham.

This artist was mentioned in these other articles


News | One Two Testing, Apr 1986

Actual factuals

Concert Review

Music Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1983

David Bowie



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