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Kraftwerk - Arts & Krafts

Interview | Music Technology, Dec 1992

Ralf Hutter: This year's model

Kraftwerk - Kraftwerk Revealed

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1981
An interview with Ralf Hutter
This artist was mentioned in these interviews


Interview | Music Technology, Nov 1993

Former Kraftwerk member Karl Bartos is back and fully charged. Phil Ward plugs in

Juan Atkins - Future Shock

Interview | Music Technology, Dec 1988

Co-founder of the techno movement, Model 500's Juan Atkins discusses yesterday's technology and influences, and tomorrow's music. Technospeak: Simon Trask.

Bomb the Bass - Bass Studies

Interview | Music Technology, Oct 1988

In his career as disc jockey, audio engineer and pop star Tim Simenon has called upon musical influences as diverse as Rick James and Kraftwerk. Tim Goodyer talks tech with a DJ who intends to take cut-up records on the road.

Propaganda - The Ministry Of Propaganda

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1990

In 1985 Propaganda produced a seminal electronic music album - then they vanished. Five years on they've returned to pick up where they left off. Michael Mertens talks to Tim Goodyer about technology and the German tradition.

Kevin Saunderson - The Techno Wave

Interview | Music Technology, Sep 1988

Techno music, the true successor to late seventies synth-pop, translates the desolation of post-Motown Detroit into electronic dance rhythms. Simon Trask listens to the programmer's tale.

John Foxx

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1983

Founder of Ultravox, John Foxx talks here about his new projects, new album and his return to the live stage.

Teenage Kicks

Interview | Music Technology, Oct 1993

Berlin's techno anarchists Alec, Carl and Hanin are here to cause a riot. Ringleader Alec Empire mouths off on the ambient backlash

Klaus Schulze

Interview | Sound On Sound, Feb 1993
European Son

Arthur Baker - Disciple Of The Beat

Interview | Music Technology, Sep 1989

Dance music should be about more than 'moaning samples and ecstasy' claims producer Arthur Baker. Simon Trask talks to the man behind 'Planet Rock'.

Depeche Mode

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1982

In contrast with the main feature we take a look at one of today’s modern commercial, electro-music bands.

Ian Boddy - Ian Boddy: Phoenix

Interview | Sound On Sound, Dec 1986

The story of how one of this country's lesser-known synthesists took the bold step of forming his own record label to independently release his fourth album 'Phoenix'. Paul Gilby documents the process.

Ryuichi Sakamoto - News Of The World

Interview | Music Technology, Jul 1992

Ryuichi Sakamoto was a founder of the YMO before becoming one of David Sylvian's favoured partners. Now, fresh from a Japanese and a series of film scores he tells Tim Goodyer about his latest LP.

Ryuichi Sakamoto - Stranger in a Strange World

Interview | Music Technology, Aug 1987

Japan's most respected technopop pioneer has recently finished an album that breaks new ground for him - it involves live musicians. He discusses his new LP and his other projects with Paul Tingen.

Vince Clarke - In Clarke's Shoes

Interview | Music Technology, Aug 1992

Unbitten by the digital bug, Vince Clarke only drives analogue.

Mixing up the motor city

Interview | The Mix, Apr 1995

The Art of Propaganda

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1990

Back in 1985, Propaganda made an astonishing debut with 'Dr. Mabuse' and the classic album 'A Secret Wish'. After years of silence, a split with ZTT records, and the departure of three-quarters of the original line-up, Michael Mertens is back with a new-look Propaganda, and feeds the party line to Nigel Humberstone.


Interview | Sound On Sound, Oct 1991
Feel Every Beat

Are Electronic, mutant offspring of New Order, The Smiths and the Pet Shop Boys, the first electro-supergroup? Does it matter? Mark J. Prendergast ignores the hype, sidesteps trivial speculation, and talks technical to Bernard Sumner.

The Listening Pool

Interview | Music Technology, Oct 1993

Ex-OMDers Paul Humphreys and Martin Cooper are back with new material and plenty to say on OMD, songwriting, sampling and going independent

Junk Culture

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1984

Synth-pioneers Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark talk to Dan Goldstein about the twists and turns in their musical development, and how they managed to make their new album, Junk Culture, sound more acoustic through the use of computer instruments.

Life is a Cabaret

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1984

Away from the fickleness of the pop music world, Cabaret Voltaire have been quietly breaking the barriers of underground electronic music. Interview by Dan Goldstein.

True colours from Yello

Interview | The Mix, Jul 1994

Children of the Evolution

Interview | The Mix, Oct 1994

Talking pictures with the dance duo

Kracked Plastik

Interview | The Mix, Dec 1994

Explains his complex minimalism



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