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Interview | One Two Testing, Jan 1985
can have an Edge like this

The Edge describes sounds and styles

U2 - Electric Fire

Interview | International Musician, Jan 1985

Bono's boys give away a few secrets from the Fire department, Adrian Deevoy and Philip Bashe team up and get close to the Edge

We found these other (non-interview) articles that are linked to this artist

U2 - U2: The Unforgettable Tour

Feature | Topic: Live | Recording Musician, Nov 1992

Behind the scenes on the tour of one of the world's most popular live bands

U2 - Animal Magic

Feature | Topic: Live | Music Technology, Oct 1993
Zoo TV

MT goes backstage at U2's multimedia spectacular and discovers the technical realities behind Eno and the band's vision. Engineer Dave Lemmink unveils the system that redefines stadium rock



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