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Stockhausen - Taking Stock

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, May 1985

An exclusive interview with the innovator of electronic music and mentor of today's stars, Karlheinz Stockhausen.

Stockhausen - Part 1

Interview Series | Sound International, Oct 1978

A rare interview with the noted composer and lecturer in the month of his 50th birthday.

Stockhausen - Part 2

Interview Series | Sound International, Nov 1978

In an attempt to win tonight's star prize, the naugahyde lounge suite, Karlheinz answers more questions on his life and career.

Stockhausen - Part 3

Interview Series | Sound International, Dec 1978

Jill Purce concludes discussions with the new music man.

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

Jon Hassell

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1991

Jon Hassell has been at the leading edge of new music for three decades, with major contributions to western avant garde and world music. Following the re-release of two classic albums from the early '80s, Mark J. Prendergast presents a retrospective of Hassell's work.

Holger Czukay - The Man Behind The Radio!

Interview | Sound On Sound, Apr 1988

As a founding member of Germany’s pioneering electronic group, Can, and a former Stockhausen pupil, Holger Czukay has long been associated with the avant-garde electronic music scene in Europe. His past work includes collaborations with Brian Eno, the Eurythmics and David Sylvian, with whom he has recently completed a new album. Mark Prendergast reports.

Holger Czukay

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1982

An in depth interview with this amazing character who is now recognised as one of the world's most inventive and original electro-musicians.

György Ligeti - The Pioneer

Interview | Music Technology, May 1990

From artistic oppression under Stalin to contributing to Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, György Ligeti has remained a true music pioneer. Simon Trask talks to a musical legend.

Can - Can - The Right Time

Interview | Music Technology, Nov 1989

In the '70s, Can paved the way for a generation of experimental electronic musicians. Simon Trask talks to Holger Czukay and Michael Karoli amidst the CD rerelease of their entire back-catalogue and a new LP for '89.

Paddy McAloon

Interview | One Two Testing, Aug 1985
The Prefab Spirit

the screening of Steve McQueen

Andrew Powell

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1983

This premier producer, conductor and arranger discusses his solo album 'The Best of the Alan Parsons Project'

Holger Czukay - Canned Music

Interview | Music Technology, Apr 1987

Dan Goldstein talks to the Can founder member whose current interests include providing the Pope with a backing band, recording with four valve tape machines, and chopping-up bits of Bulgarian folk music.

Tim Souster - Tim Souster - Electronic Music Composer

Interview Audio | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1981

Klaus Schulze

Interview | Sound On Sound, Feb 1993
European Son

Arthur Brown

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1983

Vocals and electronic music in unique combination

Hubert Bognermayr - Electric Blue

Interview | Music Technology, Feb 1989

From the first all-electronic record label to the first ARS Electronica concert, Hubert Bognermayr has been one of electronic music's pioneers. David Bradwell makes the Austrian connection.

Kraftwerk - Arts & Krafts

Interview | Music Technology, Dec 1992

Ralf Hutter: This year's model

TechTalk - Part 1

Interview Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1985

John Chowning, inventor of FM synthesis and the man indirectly responsible for Yamaha's DX synths, receives an interrogation from Simon Trask. In the event, our man scarcely gels a word in edgeways.

The Musician's Producer

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1986

In his first-ever interview with the British press, the ‘musician’s producer’ lets Paul Tingen in on a few of his most heavily-guarded studio secrets.

Weird Science

Interview | Sound On Sound, Sep 1993

Inside this German synth pioneer's home studio.

The Tracks of our Tears

Interview | International Musician, Apr 1985

Are you afraid of the art of Bath? Adrian Deevoy goes into battle with Curt and Roland

Richard Harvey - Part 1

Interview Series | Sound International, Jan 1979

Meanwhile Richard tells me that Richard is a multi-instrumentalist and used to play with Gryphon. Course I knew that cos I've read the piece, but you haven't yet, have you?

Keyboard Music

Interview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1990

One of the pioneers of the German electronic music scene, Hans Joachim Roedelius's use of electronic keyboards to treat sound, create atmospheres, and provide sonic backdrops has evolved through collaborations with the likes of Conny Plank, Peter Baumann and Brian Eno. Mark J. Prendergast discovers more about the man and his music.


Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1983

On studio, stage work, and future solo projects

Francis Monkman

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1983

From Curved Air to Sky, and beyond with the Synclavier II



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