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Hans Joachim Roedelius - Everything's Gone Green

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, Oct 1984

Roedelius explains the necessity of home recording and why he's addicted to the colour green!

Hans Joachim Roedelius - Keyboard Music

Interview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1990

One of the pioneers of the German electronic music scene, Hans Joachim Roedelius's use of electronic keyboards to treat sound, create atmospheres, and provide sonic backdrops has evolved through collaborations with the likes of Conny Plank, Peter Baumann and Brian Eno. Mark J. Prendergast discovers more about the man and his music.

Hans Joachim Roedelius - Self-Portrait

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1984

Seminal German avant garde composer Hans-Joachim Roedelius was in London recently to promote a new solo album, 'Gift of the Moment'. Dan Goldstein was granted a brief audience.

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New Electronic & Instrumental Music In The Late 1980s

Feature | Sound On Sound, Apr 1989
An overview

Mark Prendergast presents a general overview of record labels, artists, and recordings that make up the exciting area of new electronic and experimental music in the late 1980s.



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