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The Further Adventures Of Adam Asiz

Interview | Topic: Home Studio | Home & Studio Recording, Apr 1986

Ben Duncan brings us up to date with Adam's career.

Bands On The Rung

Interview | Sound International, May 1979

Rich rock stars? Who needs 'em? We bring you exclusive interviews with reality: Newcastle's Punishment Of Luxury, and The Passengers from London. Adam Sweet T'ing sees, hears and tells.

Nick Beggs

Interview | One Two Testing, Feb 1985

Up and Running

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1986
Sophie and Peter Johnston

If the major labels let you down and you're writing sophisticated electro-pop, forming your own record company is one way of getting your message across. Annabel Scott meets a remarkable brother-and-sister duo.

Raw Genius

Interview | Topic: Humour | Making Music, Dec 1987

The Go-Betweens

Interview | One Two Testing, Apr 1986

Upbeat pop from down under

Phil Harmonics

Interview | International Musician, Sep 1985

League leader and Moroder man talks tech to Tony Mills

Talkback - Part 2

Interview Series | Sound International, Sep 1978

Richard Elen's fact-extraction mission with engineer Phill Brown reaches its conclusion.

The Desktop Remix

Interview Audio | The Mix, Jul 1994

Tracking the progress of a DIY mix that went official

Soul Farmers

Interview Audio | The Mix, Apr 1995

The boys from Beatfarm Studios talk business, production, and new jazz funk

Double Dutch

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1985

Paul Tingen takes a look behind the scenes with Mai Tai production duo Eric van Tijn and Jochum Fluitsma — and finds out about songwriting, recording and home-made samplers.

10CC - Strawberry and Creme

Interview | International Musician, May 1975

808 State - The State of Technology

Interview | Music Technology, Nov 1989

England's North has consistently produced some of the most innovative electronic music. Simon Trask talks to a band set to take their place alongside New Order and Heaven 17.

808 State - The New Statesmen

Interview | Music Technology, Feb 1993

808 State - Absolutely Gorgeous

808 State - Art Of The State

Interview | Sound On Sound, Oct 1992

Instrumental music doesn't sell, the UK dance scene is totally bereft of life, and dance bands never produce decent albums. Wrong, wrong, wrong — and 808 State are back with proof. Nigel Humberstone talked to Manchester's finest during the recording of Gorgeous, their third album.

808 State - In Yer Face

Interview | Topic: Live | Sound On Stage, Dec 1996
808 State Live

A Certain Ratio - A Sense of Proportion

Interview | Music Technology, Sep 1989

Haying abandoned the independence of Factory Records in favour of the relative safety of a major record deal, ACR are back in the limelight with a new LP. Nigel Lord asks questions of commerciality.

A Certain Ratio

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jan 1993
Into The Nineties

A Guy Called Gerald - Voodoo Chile

Interview | Music Technology, Apr 1990

You can't discuss the Manchester dance movement without A Guy Called Gerald. Simon Trask talks success and setbacks to one of Britain's most influential young artists.

A Guy Called Gerald

Interview | Micro Music, Oct/Nov 1989

Vie Marshall asks who is A Guy Called Gerald?

A Popular History of Signs - Sign Language

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, Jul 1985

Dance music with direction

ABC - The Zillion Dollar Men

Interview | International Musician, Mar 1986

Will the new-look ABC find success as easy as 1-2-3? Or will their latest Lexicon of Love lose something in the translation? Philip Bashe finds out.


Interview | One Two Testing, Jun 1985
Alphabet Coup

the importance of being alphabetical

Act - Action Direct

Interview | Music Technology, Aug 1988

Whatever happened to Thomas Leer? What's become of Propaganda? If you've heard of a band called Act you already know the answers to these questions, if not, David Bradwell is right on cue with this interview.

Adam Clayton

Interview | Phaze 1, Feb 1989



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