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Ensoniq ESQ/SQ80 Voice EditorsReview | Sound On Sound, Jun 1988More and more synth owners are turning to computer based voice editing software to take the drudgery out of programming their own sounds. We asked Matthew Newman of the Ensoniq Users Club to compare three ESQ/SQ80 editors from Soundbits, Dr T and Steinberg. |
Kawai K1 EditorsReview | Sound On Sound, Dec 1988Steinberg & SoundbitsTony Wride investigates the Steinberg and Soundbits Atari-based voice editing programs for the Kawai K1 multitimbral synthesizer. |
Kawai K1 Visual EditorsReview | Music Technology, Mar 1989Software for the Atari STCoupled with its success, the digital parameter access-editing of Kawai's K1 synthesiser has made it an obvious target for software editors - like these from Dr Ts, Soundbits, Drumware and Steinberg. Vic Lennard looks on. |
Korg M1RReview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1989The release of the M1R puts the M1’s hot sounds in a compact rack-mounting package that will undoubtedly appeal to musicians and studios already burdened by a surfeit of keyboards. Martin Russ looks beyond the surface appeal. |
Roland MT32 Update & EditorsReview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1988If you own an MT32 then you really should be using a computer-based voice editing program to make the most of its facilities. Martin Russ compares three possible contenders for your money from Tigress Designs, Dr T and Steinberg. |
Steinberg CosmoReview | Music Technology, May 1987CZ Voice Editor for Commodore 64/128With Casio's CZ synths showing no sign of losing popularity, Ian Waugh looks at an editing package that uses a Commodore 64 to help make Phase Distortion accessible. |
Steinberg ProCreatorReview | Music Technology, Dec 1986Software for Yamaha DX/TX and Atari STWhy spend hours slaving over a hot DX7 trying to find new sounds, when there's an Atari ST program that does all the hard work for you? Simon Trask puts his feet up and takes a look. |
Steinberg Proteus SynthworksReview | Music Technology, Sep 1990Software for the Atari STWhen it comes to sound editing on today's synth modules, there's no alternative to using a software editor. Vic Lennard explores the benefits of Steinberg's editor for the E-mu Proteus. |
Steinberg SY77 SynthworksReview | Music Technology, Feb 1991Atari ST SoftwareWhen Yamaha launched their latest flagship synth, the SY77, they knew it was only a matter of time before it received software support. Ian Waugh goes editing with Steinberg. |
Steinberg Synthworks D10/20/110/MT32Review | Music Technology, Apr 1989Software for the Atari STSteinberg's Atari editor for the Roland D10 also works for the MT32 - or is that Steinberg's D110 editor works with the D20? Vic Lennard gets generic with Synthworks. |
Steinberg Synthworks D110 Multi-EditorReview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1989Looking for an editor to help you plumb the depths of your LA sounds? David Hughes uncovers a real gem of a program for the Atari ST that makes light work of editing Roland D10, D20, and D110 synths, and can even be used with the MT32. |
Synthworks D-110Review | Micro Music, Dec 1989Rob Beattie harnesses the power of the ever popular LA expander range with this Editor/Librarian package from Steinberg |
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