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Roland S750 Sampler

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1991
Digital Quality — Analogue Feel

Roland's acclaimed S770 sampler has been quietly growing in popularity, and the release of version 2.0 software and the floppy drive-only S750 should ensure that Roland samplers become still more popular. Wilf Smarties explains why.

Roland S750 Sampler

Review | Music Technology, Dec 1991
Stereo Digital Sampler

If Roland's S770 super sampler presented too high a target for many of us, the S750 may be the news we've been waiting for. Simon Trask investigates the challenger to the Akai S1000 crown.

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear

Hands On: Roland S750

Feature | Topic: Sampling | Sound On Sound, Sep 1992

David Mellor throws away the Roland S750 manual and gets down to some practical advice for novice users.



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