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An Oscar Winning PerformanceReview | Phaze 1, Aug 1989Dream Machine: ensoniq EPS/EPSmthe all-singing all-dancing all-bankrupting Ensoniq EPS | |||
Ensoniq EPSPreview | Music Technology, Aug 1988SamplerIt's nearly three years since Ensoniq struck it rich with the Mirage sampler. Simon Trask previews Ensoniq's new sampler and asks "can they repeat their success with the EPS?" | |||
Ensoniq EPSReview | Music Technology, Oct 1988Performance SamplerIt's been a while in the pipeline but Ensoniq's successor to their popular Mirage sampler is up and running. Simon Trask checks out the latest "peoples' sampler". | |||
Ensoniq EPS UpdateReview | Micro Music, Jun/Jul 1989Paul Wiffen takes an exclusive look a Ensoniq's latest offering in the field of sampling | |||
Ensoniq Performance SamplerReview | Sound On Sound, Feb 1988The ability to load new samples whilst playing is only one of many performance-related features which make the 20-voice EPS stand out from the current crowd of sampling keyboards. Craig Anderton reveals the others... | |||
We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear | |||
PatchworkFeature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Jun 1989A review of the Desert Island sample library for the Ensoniq EPS joins a selection of readers own patches for the Korg M1, Ensoniq SQ80 and Yamaha TX81Z in this month's Patchwork. |
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