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100 Things To Do With FM

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1986
Yamaha DX100 Polysynth

The latest addition to the DX family is the cheapest yet at just £349. Simon Trask slings it round his neck and takes it for a test drive: will it bring FM to the masses?

21 Today

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Sep 1985
Yamaha DX21 synthesiser

The latest in the DX synth series

21 Today

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1985

Yamaha's DX21 polysynth offers FM sound quality at a low, low price, plus a few features even the DX7 doesn't have. Simon Trask investigates.

2600 Paths to Happiness

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Apr 1988

Another old synth makes its comeback. This time it's Steve Howell's much-prized ARP 2600 with its graphic panel layout, modular construction and built-in amplification.

80 Days

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Sep 1990
Yamaha CS80

Once infamous as a roadie's nightmare, the CS80 has settled in synth history as an instrument of almost unmatched character. Peter Forrest rediscovers the pain and the pleasure.

A Bit On The Side

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1985
Bit 99 Polysynth

The very latest from Chase has a lot to live up to in following the Bit One synth and Bit 01 expander. Can it cut it? Tim Goodyer thinks it can.

A Double Dose of Roland

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1992
Roland JV80 & JY30 Synths

Is Roland's new JV80 their best keyboard since the D50? Julian Colbeck thinks it is, as he puts the company's two newest synths to the test.

A Modern Classic

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1992
Korg Wavestation EX

Korg's Wavestation synthesizer has won a small but devout following since its introduction 18 months ago. Paul Ireson wonders whether new sounds and effects on the updated Wavestation EX will broaden its appeal.

Akai Arrive!

Review | In Tune, Nov 1986
Akai AX73 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesiser

Akai AX80

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1984
Programmable Polysynth

Paul White looks at the first musical instrument product from a Japanese giant. Has Akai's poly got the sounds and the facilities necessary for it to make an impact on today's synth world?

Akai AX80

Review | One Two Testing, Dec 1984

poly, MIDI, bar-graphs...

Akai AX80

Review | International Musician, Jan 1985

Jim Betteridge puts the new poly through its paces

Akai's Attack

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Jan 1985
Akai AX 80/1212 Mixer/Recorder

Akai leap bravely into the hard world of Pro music gear, with a poly, the AX 80, and a unique 12-channel mixer/recorder.

Alesis QuadraSynth

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1994

There's a new synth in town, it's gunning for the competition and it aims to please.

Alphabet Soup

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1986
Roland Alpha Juno 1

Roland’s latest analogue poly offers no earth-shattering innovations, but is still a welcome addition to the synth market’s ever-expanding lower end. Or so says Simon Trask, anyway.

Alternative Analogue

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Jun 1989
Korg MS20

This month's trip down memory lane takes us to Korg's MS20. Greg Truckell reacquaints himself with an analogue synth that may be better suited to use in 1989 than 1979.

An Oberheim In Time

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Mar 1990

A list of "classic" analogue synths could not be complete without Oberheim's OBXa. Peter Forrest reminisces about an instrument that won the hearts of many musicians.

Bass - No Bull

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, May 1991
Moog Taurus Pedals

Ultimate bass? Legendary synth pioneers Moog once made the best bass synth on the planet: Paul Ward reassesses the power of Taurus in the light of '90s bass mania.

Bass... the final frontier

Review Audio | The Mix, Nov 1994
Deep Bass Nine

TB303-type synth module

Big Brother

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1986
Casio CZ-1

Since the release of their diminutive yet ground-breaking CZ-101 synth, Casio have been steadily improving the facilities of their Phase Distortion keyboards with each subsequent CZ product. The culmination of those efforts is now manifest in their best-ever synthesizer, the CZ-1, a truly professional performance instrument. Chris Jenkins says 'welcome'.

Big K

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Oct 1984
The Siel System

A detailed look at Siel's new DK600 keyboard Interface, and Expander.

Bit 99

Review | International Musician, Oct 1985

Paul Fishman does his Bit

Bit 99 Synth

Review | One Two Testing, Nov 1985

poly offspring from the bit one

Bit One

Review | International Musician, Jan 1985

Paul Fishman goes to town on Crumar's new baby

Bit One

Review | In Tune, Dec 1984
6-Voice Programmable Touch-Sensitive Synthesiser



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