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Casio CZ3000 - The Obvious Solution?

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1986

Mark Jenkins reports on this recent addition to the popular CZ range of polysynths and suggests that the Phase Distortion synthesis it employs could well be the answer for those of you caught in the 'analogue versus digital' dilemma.

Casio CZ3000 Polysynth

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1986

Casio plug a gap in their range by introducing a CZS000 without the sequencer. Trish McGrath uses her fingers to see how it sounds.

Casio CZ3000 Synth

Review | One Two Testing, Apr 1986

Phase Distortion comes clean

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Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Sep 1989

Readers' patches for Casio's CZ5000 and Ensoniq ESQ1, and a review of Leister Productions' Professional patches for D110 & TX81Z make up this month's Patchwork.



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