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Issues donated this month: 13

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Funds donated this month: £14.00

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C-1 and you've seen 'em all

Review | Micro Music, Aug/Sep 1989

John Renwick puts Yamaha's super-computer through it's paces


Retrospective (Gear) | Micro Music, Feb 1990

We take a look at a lost pioneer the CX-5

Fireball CX5M

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Oct 1984

The CX5M music computer could change the face of the home micro-music market. We examine the first dedicated music computer to reach the UK

The Musician's Micro - Part 1

Review Series | Sound On Sound, Jun 1989
Yamaha C1 Music Computer

In the first of this two-part review, Ian Gilby discusses the hardware aspects of Yamaha's new portable PC compatible music computer.

Yamaha C1 Music Computer

Review | Music Technology, Dec 1988

Yamaha's new computer is a PC compatible equipped with eight MIDI Outs, two MIDI Ins and SMPTE time-sync ports. Harvey Newquist powers up the successor to the ill-fated CX5M.

Yamaha CX5 computer

Review | One Two Testing, Oct 1984

plugged in and turned on

Yamaha CX5 Computer

Review | One Two Testing, May 1984

Preview of a micro

Yamaha CX5M II-128 music computer

Review | Making Music, Aug 1986
We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Feb 1987

MT readers get their chance to see their own synth sounds in print. Instruments featured this month include the Juno 106, Poly 800 and DX21...


Feature | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Dec 1987

More sounds from creative readers; this month LA meets FM as the Roland D50 and Yamaha CX5 are the favoured instruments.


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986

Readers' patches for DX7, CZ101 and Bit One synths, and the Yamaha CX5M micro. Keep 'em coming...


Feature Downloads | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Jun 1987

The Roland Alpha Juno, Korg Poly 800 MkII and Yamaha CX5M are among the machines featured in this month's selection of readers' synth sounds, and there's a review of new voicing tapes for the Ensoniq ESQ1.

The CX5M Revisited

Feature | Topic: Computing | Electronics & Music Maker, Mar 1985

David Ellis digs deep inside Yamaha's MSX music computer, and finds it's capable of interfacing with more external hardware than its manufacturers seem willing to disclose...

Yamaha CX-5M Computer

User Report | In Tune, Apr 1985



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