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Increased Prophets

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1986

Keyboard programmer Paul Wiffen brings you the latest developments on the Sequential sampling system: the new 2002 rack-mount, and the superb Digidesign visual editing software. He also takes a look at the Prophet 2000 and passes on some useful tips for using its 'mapping' function to the full.

Screen Test

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1985
Sound Designer Software

The Emulator II finds a new friend in the Apple Macintosh, courtesy of a little American ingenuity. Together, the two make sweet sound-editing music, as Paul Wiffen reports.

Sound Designer 2000 Software

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986

Digidesign's sound-editing software for the Emulator II has now been adapted for the Prophet 2000: Brian Devereux gives it the thumbs-up.

Sound Designer Universal

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1988

If you own several samplers or just want to transfer S900 samples into your mate’s FZ1, then this program will make life considerably easier. David Mellor creates some designer sounds with the Atari ST version of Digidesign’s universal sample editor.



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