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100 Things To Do With FM

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1986
Yamaha DX100 Polysynth

The latest addition to the DX family is the cheapest yet at just £349. Simon Trask slings it round his neck and takes it for a test drive: will it bring FM to the masses?

21 Today

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Aug 1985

Yamaha's DX21 polysynth offers FM sound quality at a low, low price, plus a few features even the DX7 doesn't have. Simon Trask investigates.

21 Today

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Sep 1985
Yamaha DX21 synthesiser

The latest in the DX synth series

A Double Dose of Roland

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1992
Roland JV80 & JY30 Synths

Is Roland's new JV80 their best keyboard since the D50? Julian Colbeck thinks it is, as he puts the company's two newest synths to the test.

A New Angle On FM?

Review | Sound On Sound, May 1989
Yamaha TQ5 Expander

Stylish or ugly, don't let the TQ5’s unconventional casing distract you from the fact that with its 8-track integral sequencer and digital effects, this 4-operator FM expander packs a pretty powerful punch for the money. David Hughes reports from his ring-side seat.

Alesis QuadraSynth

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1994

There's a new synth in town, it's gunning for the competition and it aims to please.

All Hail Valhala

Review | Sound On Sound, Mar 1992
Studio Series Roland D110 Voice Cards

Super sleuth Simon Sanders finds himself hot on the trail of cool sounds for the Roland D110. Prime suspect: Valhala.

Big Brother

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1986
Casio CZ-1

Since the release of their diminutive yet ground-breaking CZ-101 synth, Casio have been steadily improving the facilities of their Phase Distortion keyboards with each subsequent CZ product. The culmination of those efforts is now manifest in their best-ever synthesizer, the CZ-1, a truly professional performance instrument. Chris Jenkins says 'welcome'.

Boss Dr Synth DS-330

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1992
Sound Module

Carry On Doctor...

Boss DS330 Dr. Synth

Review | Sound On Sound, Sep 1992
GM/GS Synth Module

The Dr. Rhythm series served up Roland's highly-regarded drum machine technology in affordable form; now the Dr. Synth squeezes Sound Canvas sounds into a compact, value-for-money box. Derek Johnson makes an appointment.

Breaking With The Rack Pack

Review | Sound On Sound, Mar 1993
Roland JV880 Synth Module

Casio CZ 5000

Review | One Two Testing, Jul 1985

big and sequenced

Casio CZ-1

Review | International Musician, Oct 1986

At last a fully professional, touch-sensitive, Phase Distortion synth! Jim Betteridge waves goodbye to auto-accompaniment forever.

Casio CZ-1

Review | One Two Testing, Oct 1986

Clever keyboard clacked

Casio CZ-1 Digital Synth

Review | Making Music, Sep 1986

Casio CZ-101

Review | In Tune, Jan 1985
Professional Polyphonic Synth

Casio CZ-230S

Review | International Musician, Jul 1986

'Jack of all trades, master of none'? Tony Mills explains himself

Casio CZ-5000

Review | International Musician, Aug 1985

Excellent sounds plus a sequencer for under a grand. Tony Mills gets very worked up

Casio CZ1 Polyphonic Synthesiser

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1986

Following in the footsteps of their successful budget CZ models, Casio add touch-sensitivity for the professional user. Simon Trask evaluates the results.

Casio CZ101

Review | International Musician, Feb 1985

Small, digital and reviewed by Curtis Schwartz

Casio CZ101

Review | One Two Testing, Jan 1985

cheap, programmable, digital, poly...

Casio CZ101

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Jan 1985
Programmable Phase Distortion Polysynth

At last, Casio come up with the pro keyboard goods. Paul Wiffen tests the first of a whole range of synth gear from the calculator people, and concludes that it's 'probably the best Casio of all time.'

Casio CZ230S Keyboard

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986

What the ghetto blaster is to hi-fi, the CZ230S is to synthesisers. Annabel Scott takes a spin in Casio's streetwise preset synth.

Casio CZ3000 - The Obvious Solution?

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1986

Mark Jenkins reports on this recent addition to the popular CZ range of polysynths and suggests that the Phase Distortion synthesis it employs could well be the answer for those of you caught in the 'analogue versus digital' dilemma.



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